Divine Child System

Chapter 2410: Bao Xiangzong release rate

Killing the palace has become an industry under Ye Meng's name.

Dugu Zui and Wen Yi betrayed.

When Lao is dead from time to time, how can the remaining elders who have no real power still get the waves?

Besides, they were also shocked by the Fan Tianyin and Yin Yang mirror that Ye Meng threw in succession.

How dare to have any objections?

"All come out!"

The Killing Temple has been settled, and Ye Meng will naturally no longer treat Killing Temple as an enemy.

He waved his hand and murmured milk.

When Dugu Zui and others heard the words, they were all taken aback.

They didn't understand who Ye Meng was talking to.

But the next moment, they finally understood.

When a swarm of gods appeared in their eyes.

Except for Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, the people who killed the palace, Quan Te knelt down involuntarily.

"Grandpa Immortal!"

No way, the gods have too much influence on them.

"Okay, okay, don't scream, this baby is annoying to watch."

Seeing this, Ye Meng curled his small mouth and said with a milky voice.

When everyone heard the words, they did not dare to neglect, and stood up in a slanderous manner.

"Dugu Zui, Wen Yi, you two, go to the other three sects to send a message, and ask them to quickly dedicate the sect, otherwise, don't blame this baby for being rude."

Ye Meng's milky voice came out.

Dugu Zui and Wen Yi both bowed immediately.

After seeing Ye Meng's magical methods, he added so many gods.

If the two of them still don't know the situation, they don't need to mix in the fairyland.

Immediately, the two hurried away.

Bao Xiangzong.

Sect Master explained Tusui, seeing this Dugu drunk and gentle, the ridiculous expression on his face was unobstructed.

"Get out of the sect? Brother Dugu, Elder Wen, did you drink too much today?"

The comment rate is extremely rude.

Originally, according to the status of Dugu Zui and Wen Yi, he shouldn't have said such words.

However, now his face was full of mockery.

Obviously, he regarded Dugu drunk and Wen Yi as brain convulsions.


Shi Tu Shu waved his hand and issued an order to evict the guests.

Seeing this, Dugu Zui and Wen Yi didn't say much, arched their hands, and turned away.

After the two left the hall, Shi Tulu suddenly sneered.

"It's really two idiots, and they don't know what kind of wind they are thinking about, they actually dedicated the Killing Temple to others!"

"Now, it's ridiculous to try to come over to confuse this sect!"

As she said, she touched her big bald head.

Immediately, he turned around and pulled a maid beside him into his arms.

"Hey hey, little beauty, I am very angry now, let me put down the fire for me!"

While Shituzu was fighting the fire, Dugu Zui and Wen Yi had already reached the Moon God Palace.

The lord of the Moon God Palace, called Ying Yinyin, is a beautiful girl who looks only eighteen or nine years old.

In fact, the same is true, she is the new palace owner of the Moon God Palace.

The palace lord of the previous generation fell into the hands of an evil monk in the Flying Eagle Domain not long ago.

Therefore, Ying Yinyin hurriedly ascended to the position of palace lord with the support of the elders.

Therefore, compared with the other three sects, the Moon God Palace is now in the throes of alternating between the old and the new.

Dugu Zui and Wen Yi speak to persuade Ying Yinyin to give up the sect.

This made the elders around him extremely annoyed.

But Ying Yinyin was not angry.

Only tactfully rejected the proposal of Dugu Zui and Wen Yi.

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