Divine Child System

Chapter 2412: The power of Fantianyin

The bald donkey gate is Bao Xiangzong.

They never thought that disaster would come from the sky.

At this time, Bao Xiangzong was still indulging in various joyful meditations.

Although Baoxiangzong is named after Baoxiang, he actually follows the principle of Huanxi Zen.

The so-called Huanxi Zen is the inheritance left by the Buddha Dingguang Huanxi in the myth of Buddhism.

Huanxi Zen is essentially a double practice for men and women.

Using a woman as a furnace tripod, after stealing the essence from himself, he cultivated into a diamond body that is not bad.

In terms of power, the inheritance of Bao Xiangzong is quite powerful.

It can be said that even the Nebula Palace is incomparable.

However, the ancestors of Baoxiangzong seem to have misunderstood the meaning of the exercises and turned the good joy of Zen into a pure double cultivation way.

Simply put, it is because they practiced wrongly.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable that the authentic sect of Shimen Cultivation Method is not unreasonable by Xingyun Palace, not the authentic Xuanmen sect.

"Boom open the gate!"

Outside Bao Xiangzong, Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and shouted with milk.

His voice fell, and Dugu Zui suddenly stepped out, offering the magic weapon Fantian Seal!


As soon as Fan Tianyin shot, it grew in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, Fan Tianyin turned into a huge hill!

"What a terrible breath!"

Wen Yi on the side looked at Fan Tianyin in the air in horror.

He found that the hairs on his whole body had been erected, and his soul almost came out of his body.

Immediately, Wen Yi didn't dare to look any more, and hurriedly lowered his head.


There was a loud noise.

The gate of Bao Xiangzong instantly turned into powder.

This is not to mention, the violent power spread out, and the small half of the treasure Xiangzong was turned into ruins.


Dugu Zui swallowed hard, but he found that he still underestimated Fan Tianyin.

To be honest, his attack only used one ten thousandth of his power.

But right now, the terrible destructive power caused by Fan Tianyin was beyond his imagination.

This shows how terrifying the ancient magic weapon Fantian Seal is.

"Keep it away in the future, this is not the fairy world!"

Ye Meng glared at Dugu drunk, and shouted with milk.

When Dugu was drunk, he immediately responded.

No way, Fan Tianyin is too scary, he must use it with caution.

Just one ten-thousandth of the power almost emptied the immortal power from his body.

He didn't dare to be so big.

"Go in!"

Ye Meng waved a small hand.

Several people stepped in immediately.

As soon as he entered the sect, Bao Xiangzong's ups and downs flew out.

With such a terrifying momentum, if they still don't respond, don't be confused.

However, Bao Xiangzong was obviously embarrassed at this time.

Many disciples ran out before they even had time to wear their pants.

The same is true for the master's rate of release, his clothes are disheveled and his expression is embarrassed.

"It's you!"

However, the next moment, he immediately discovered Dugu Drunk and Wen Yi.

Immediately, Shitu rate was furious.

As an authentic Sect, Sect rate is actually from the bottom of my heart, it is also a shrine to kill the gods who look down on crooked ways.

But now, the Dugu Zui and Wen Yi who killed the divine palace blatantly hit the door.

It is simply tolerable, which is unbearable!

As for Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, one is a child and the other is an old man, but they were subconsciously ignored by the interpretation rate.

Besides, how these two unknown people could get into his fascinating vision.

"Sect Master, why do you need to do it, just leave it to the little monk!"

The voice of release picture rate, just after falling, a burly bald donkey has stood up!

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