Divine Child System

Chapter 2422: Attached Heart

When things have reached this point, is there any choice?

The elders present are not stupid.

Don't take the benefits, choose to be destroyed.

A fool would do this!

"Palace Master, the old man thinks it is feasible!"

Grand Elder Luo Ruyan walked to Ying Yinyin's side and whispered.

Although, according to her age, claiming to be old has no problem at all.

However, judging from her appearance, it is indescribable.

"Does the great elder think it is feasible?"

Ying Yinyin was overjoyed upon hearing this.

To be honest, she had already been moved.

It's just that I have been worried that the elders will object.

After all, not everyone is like her, thinking that the sect residence of the Moon God Palace is dispensable.

Luo Ruyan nodded, but shortly afterwards, her voice rang again.

"However, Palace Master, haven't you found a key problem?"

Ying Yinyin was taken aback when she heard Luo Ruyan's words.

"what is the problem?"

She is young after all, and she doesn't have much experience in many things.

For a while, I didn't know the key issue in Luo Ruyan's words, what was it?

"Palace Master, this child is so terrifying, it is a good time for my Moon God Palace to rise!"

As Luo Ruyan spoke, his eyes lit up.

Although the Moon God Palace is the four major sects, it has always belonged to the ranks of the tail of the crane.

Moreover, the ancestors of the past have long had the legacy of subordinating to the strong.

Therefore, Luo Ruyan was discovering that Ye Meng was able to give out the majestic and purple energy at will, giving the magic weapon of mythology.

This shows that Ye Meng is definitely not simple.

"The elders mean to belong to this child?"

Ying Yinyin asked in an uncertain tone.

"Yes, it is my Moon God Palace who belongs to the strongest. After all, we are all women!"

Luo Ruyan replied meaningfully.

The world of immortality is extremely cruel.

A woman's sect, in talent and strength, did not reach the time when she was truly aloof.

The pressure they face is not just a little bit.

Speaking of it, it is far more than ordinary sects.

Like the Moon God Palace, it can reach its current status.

It was the ancestors of the past, who tremblingly dealt with other big sects, and barely obtained the current status.

However, in the history of Moon God Palace, too much has been paid.

Apart from other things, it happened many times just because the sect masters of past dynasties were forced to marry other sect disciples.

In order to take into account the overall situation, these suzerains gave up the struggle and completely resigned.

As for ordinary disciples, elite disciples marrying other sects outside are countless.

It can't be said that every disciple who married out had a miserable life.

However, at least they have lost their freedom, from being a cultivator of immortality, to being a wife who wants to be a husband and wife.

This gap often caused many Moon God Palace disciples to end up depressed in the end.

Of course, there are also people who live happily after getting married, but this is a minority after all.

Now, Ying Yinyin's position is actually difficult to keep.

Because, Nebula Palace, had already targeted her.

The consequence of this is that it can not only solve the suffering of lovesickness for the true disciples under the sect, but also save the Moon God Palace from having another enchanting palace master.

After all, Ying Yinyin's talent is really not bad.

If she was allowed to grow up, she might threaten the supremacy of Nebula Palace.

Therefore, the old technique of the Nebula Palace was re-implemented, and it was already proposed to the Moon God Palace.

And the Moon God Palace dared not explicitly refuse, and it was still delaying for the time being.

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