Divine Child System

Chapter 2424: Fan Tianyin, see Fan Tianyin again

"Dugu drunk, blasted this mountain gate!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand and said milky voice.

The Dugu drunk behind him heard the words and immediately bowed and promised!

In the next moment, Fan Tianyin made a sudden move.


The Nebula Palace has an extraordinary momentum, and the towering mountain gate instantly turned into a ruin!

However, this time Dugu Zui was well controlled.

It just smashed the mountain gate, but didn't spread to the inside of the sect!

Seeing this, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

Ying Yinyin and Luo Ruyan were stunned, their scalp numb.

Earlier, they heard Dugu Zui's sacred seal and destroyed the entire Baoxiangzong.

Although, they never doubted whether Dugu Zui's words were exaggerated.

But after all, I didn't see this scene with my own eyes, and I couldn't imagine it in my mind.

But now, they saw the gate of the Nebula Palace with their own eyes, and they were smashed into pieces.

Immediately, in their hearts, they became more and more looking forward to those ancient mythological magic weapons!

"Who would dare to be wild in the Nebula Palace?"

Such a big movement will naturally attract the attention of the Nebula Palace.

Immediately, there are countless figures flying by.

However, there are many people in the Nebula Palace, and under normal circumstances, the Palace Lord does not appear so easily.

This time, among the silhouettes that flew by, the highest rank was only the Outer Sect Elder.

With just such a small difference, you can see the difference between Nebula Palace and Bao Xiangzong!


After countless figures fell, they appeared in front of Ye Meng and others.

A middle-aged man, more and more out.

"It turns out to be Dugu drunkard and old man Wen, who is it, dare to be wild in my Nebula Palace, huh? The people from Moon God Palace, why are they there?"

In his words, Dugu Zui and Wen Yi were not in his eyes at all.

People who don’t know might think he is Palace Master Nebula, but in fact, this guy is just an outer elder at all!

This shows that the name of the Domineering Nebula is really not for nothing!


Seeing this, Ye Meng waved his small hand.

These Nebula Palace disciples were so arrogant that he didn't want to see them again.

"Yes, little fairy!"

Dugu drunk hearing the words, bowed and promised.

Immediately, his Fan Tianyin shot again!


A small hill fell down instantly.


"My God, what is this?"

"No, go back!"

"What a terrible breath, it's over!"

The cultivators of Nebula Palace felt the aura of terror, enveloped them, and suddenly panic!

The outer door elder, at this time, has no arrogance, and his face is full of panic.

But unfortunately, with their abilities, how can they avoid Fan Tianyin's attack?

Without any suspense, when Fan Tian's seal fell, these cultivators of the Nebula Palace were all smashed into flesh!

I have to say that the Nebula Palace provokes Ye Meng, and it's simply a bad luck for eight lifetimes!

"Go in!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng didn't say anything, and waved his hand directly.

It seems that everything that happened before is just an illusion.

Or, Dugu was just a group of ants!

Ying Yinyin and Luo Ruyan both saw cold sweats.

Only then did they realize that this cute kid in front of them was such a terrifying character.

Although the people were killed by Dugu drunk, it was Ye Meng that they were afraid of.

"The Nebula Palace is quite big!"

Having just entered the Nebula Palace, Ye Meng immediately discovered that this place was different from the other three sects.

He is very satisfied.

This place is perfect for building a mansion!

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