Divine Child System

Chapter 2434: Change, the **** won't change

The emperor-level exercise "Growing Sky and Stealing Luck"!

The gazes of the five elders of Xingyun all fell on the technique.

The next moment, the five of them couldn't help taking a breath.

Apart from other things, judging from the name of this exercise, it is already extremely extraordinary!

It's a glimpse of the sky again, and it's a stealing of luck again, this is really the rhythm of heaven!

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng curled his mouth.

This group of soil buns, taking a name from the middle and second class, immediately regarded it as a treasure!

Originally, Ye Meng was planning to name the exercise method "Battery Picking Up".

Because in Ye Meng's view, what is the secret of the secret, what is the steal of luck.

Isn't it just picking up tatters?

It's just that, after he thought about it, the other party was a bunch of horrible old men.

I am afraid that as soon as I see the tattered picking skill, I will subconsciously reject it.

Therefore, he directly took the name of the second middle school.

Sure enough, this group of horrible old men was shocked at once.

"Can you do it, squeak, this baby has precious time, but I don't have the time to chirp with you!"

Seeing a group of horrible old men standing on the spot with a shocked expression on the spot, Ye Meng waved his small hand impatiently and shouted with milk.

Hearing what Ye Meng said, Zhao Lao threw the five of them, and immediately regained consciousness.

The next moment, they suddenly turned into chickens pecking rice, nodding their heads again and again.

"Change, of course, don't change the bastard!"

"Yes, what the boss said is that we are not stupid, we don't know Taishan!"

"Why don't we need to talk about such a powerful emperor level technique, we won't change it when our brains are convulsed!"

"Yes, Zongmen will give it to you, the exercises belong to us, hahaha!"

The five people looked in ecstasy, and the anger and dissatisfaction had already faded away!

Gao Shou and others on the side were stunned, and the wind was messy!

What's this, the attitude of the Supreme Elders has also changed too fast?

Why don't you have any reservations?

"Since you are willing to change, let's hand over!"

Ye Meng was not long-winded when he heard the words.

He turned to look at Shen Hongye.

"Old Shen, go to hand over!"

"Okay, little brother!"

After Shen Hongye heard it, he immediately responded.

Hearing the conversation between Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, Gao Shou's cheek twitched slightly.

Why did you sell Zongmen?

What about inheritance?

Let's not inherit the Nebula Palace?

Gao Shou cried and looked at the Five Elders of Nebula.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Laotou of the five elders suddenly throbbed.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and meet the little... little fairy? Is it impossible for the old man to teach you?"

Zhao Lao is so angry, why is the lord of the Nebula Palace stupid from generation to generation?

The guy in front of him was stunned when he looked at it.

Isn't he aware of the rareness of the emperor-level exercises?

Ordinary emperor level exercises are especially worth more than ten times the value of Nebula Palace!

What's more, this top emperor-level exercise technique in his hand?

Let alone a nebula palace!

I am afraid that one hundred Nebula Palaces are not enough to see!

Therefore, if you don't take such an obvious benefit, Zhao Laotou can also find a piece of tofu and kill him!

Gao Shou heard this, although he was reluctant in his heart, but he could only do so.

No way, even though he is the palace lord, but the super elder of the level of Nebula Fifth Elder has spoken, and he has no chance to refute.

After all, this is the realm of cultivating immortals, the realm of cultivating immortals with respect for strength!

The palace owner might have some deterrence for others.

But for the Nebula Five Elders, that is ha ha!

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