Divine Child System

Chapter 2438: The strongest evil repair system

"What is the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Explaining Education? What is the Jiejiao, the Western religion?"

Wen Yi heard this with a dazed expression.

What Ye Meng said, he had never heard of it.

"None of you know?"

Not only after hearing the words, but Dugu Zui and the others also had the same expression, Ye Meng suddenly became curious after seeing it.

Since there is Jiang Ziya, there is also the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha inheritance of Bao Xiangzong.

How could it not explain and teach the twelve golden immortals?

However, before Ye Meng could reply, the Young Master of the Holy Palace on the opposite side became impatient!

"You guys, what are you whispering? Do you regard this young master as air?"

Young Master Fengshen Palace was very impatient, his face was full of grumpy.

This guy is naturally grumpy and will kill people and whip corpses at every turn.

It's just that others think he is the Young Master of Fengshen Palace, no one dares to provoke him.

As for why he looks like an evil repair...

"This guy still has a system?"

Ye Meng saw through the Fengshen Palace Young Master's body arms system at a glance.

The strongest evil repair system!

This is the reason why the young master of Fengshen Palace looks like an evil repair!

"Since you have a system, don't blame this baby for being rude!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng slid and rushed up!

Immediately, he waved his wrist.

The young master of Fengshen Palace immediately became unstable and fell into a shit!

Then Ye Meng stepped on her feet suddenly!

The poor Young Master of Fengshen Palace was trampled to death by Ye Meng before he could even react!

This scene happened extremely suddenly, and no one had time to recover.

Including those, Fengshen Palace disciples who possess the power of Fanxian.

When they recovered, Ye Meng had already swallowed all the system of the Young Master of the Fengshen Palace!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for devouring the strongest evil repair system, which can provide the host with plundering ability, whether the host extracts it!"

After the electronic sound was played, Ye Meng didn't even think about it, so he replied to extract!

The next moment, the bear child system in his mind, tremblingly, sent the extracted plundering power light group to his palace of heaven and earth.

It's hard to force, the bear child system expresses extremely hard to force.

It also wants to eat the system, but how can it dare to compete with Ye Meng?

No, Ye Meng had just finished eating the system, and he had to personally offer the predatory power extracted from the system.

Because, if it is not given, I am afraid that the bear boy will immediately turn his head and eat it.

As a system, the life is so hard, the bear child system even feels like it doesn't want to live anymore.

But there is no way, who told Ye Meng to have transformed the gluttonous baby talent into his own ability?

As a result, the bear child system had no way to deal with Ye Meng.

"Count you acquaintance!"

Seeing the extra light clusters in the Heaven and Earth Palace, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

Recently, his system has become much better.

No longer like before, you have to make a few moths.

Something like a copy of Ye Meng, now Ye Meng thinks about it carefully, and can see through the intention of the system at a glance.

This dog is ready to yin him.

The dungeon Ye Meng, isn't it his demon in fact.

A heart demon was actually created another Ye Meng by the system.

What's the purpose can be thought of.

It is nothing more than trying to replace him, the genuine Ye Meng, without knowing it!

Unfortunately, the system miscalculated, it underestimated Ye Meng's food-eating characteristics.

I thought that Ye Meng would treat it as a treasure and continue to collect the essence of the system.

But who thought, Ye Meng swallowed the system's life essence in a blink of an eye.

As a result, one of the most buggy talents in the bear child system became Ye Meng's own ability!

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