Divine Child System

Chapter 2449: The elders can't hold it

"What's this sound?"

Hearing the mechanical sound, Jiang Buju and others were taken aback.

What the **** is this?

Everyone was still in a daze, a huge roar in the distance suddenly came!


A series of rockets burst out in an instant!

"Hurry up!"

When Jiang Buju saw this, although he didn't know what was shooting in front of him, he instinctively felt that something was wrong in his heart, and he immediately reminded everyone!

While they were speaking, the elders around, driving flying swords one after another, dispersed in a panic!

However, although their flying swords are fast, their rockets don't seem to be slow.

Moreover, the rockets have clearly locked everyone.

No matter how they changed their directions, they always chased them firmly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions, one after another, resounded through the sky.

In the next moment, countless elders screamed, exploded in the air and turned into fly ash.

Of course, this is only a part.

Another part of the powerful elders resisted a rocket attack, but they didn't die!

However, although they are not dead, they are not much better!

Everyone had missing arms and broken legs, and looked extremely miserable.

Only Jiang Buju and Yin Wa were far more powerful than everyone else. Under the explosion of the rocket, they did not suffer any harm!

But this is the case, Jiang Buju and his wife are still embarrassed and embarrassed!

"Oh my God!"

After stabilizing her figure, Yin Wa turned her head to take a look, and suddenly took a breath.

The elders of the Fengshen Palace, which was originally a huge group, are now only a few dozen people left!

Moreover, all of them looked bleak and embarrassed!

"What a Liyang City!"

Jiang Bu was in his mouth and roared like gritted teeth.

As the master of Fengshen Palace, he has never suffered such a big loss!

This is simply Chi Guoguo, hitting him in the face, hitting the face of Fengshen Palace.

An inferior city in a mere trivial area has such a terrifying magic weapon!

No one thought of this!

"You are waiting here, the deity personally went to take care of the attacker!"

Jiang Buju shouted in a deep voice, his voice fell, and he rushed out instantly.

In the eyes of Jiang Buju and others, they were completely attacked by the monks in Liyang City.

The opponent has a powerful magic weapon!

If the attacker is not resolved, let alone conquering Liyang City, it will be difficult to get revenge.

For this, Jiang Buju saw it thoroughly.

Therefore, he, who has the strongest cultivation base, intends to do it himself.

Jiang Buju was extremely fast, and he appeared in Liyang City in the blink of an eye.

However, he didn't see the monk who attacked.

What appeared before his eyes was a group of strange and strange things!

"what is this?"

When Jiang Buju saw this, he was slightly startled.

The next moment, a red light flashed across the ground!

call out!

It was another rocket, bursting out, and shooting towards him!

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Buju didn't even know that their so-called magic weapon was emitted by this strange thing?

However, the rockets clearly did not threaten Jiang Buju.

Although the rocket bomb is also a magical modification, Jiang Buju is about to approach the golden immortal level after all, and he is the strongest in the entire world of immortality!


After Jiang Buju resisted the rocket attack, he flipped his wrist and slapped it out!


A huge palm suddenly fell from the sky and fell down!

The palm of his hand came down with a force of destruction, and the target was directed at the magic weapon on the ground!

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