Divine Child System

Chapter 2452: Conferred function

"Can you hold a god?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and moved her mind.

The next moment, in front of his eyes, a virtual conferred **** list appeared in an instant.

The function of Fengshen Bang is very simple.

Just write down the target name on the list.

Fengshenbang will automatically record it.

Then, the soul of the target will be taken by the Conferred God List!

When the three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods on the list of gods are filled, the people on the list will automatically become gods.

This becoming a **** does not really make you a god.

On the contrary, the person who owns the list of gods will automatically open up a small world.

They will become the gods in the small world and be suppressed by the Fengshen Bang!

In other words, these gods on the list are actually refined into soul puppets!

From this it can be seen that this sacred list system is really malicious.

However, Ye Meng didn't care about it.

On the contrary, he still finds it quite fun.

Open up a small world, and self-proclaimed a god, listen with energy!

"Unfortunately, that guy has died just now, otherwise it would be more appropriate to send him to the Conferred God List!"

After grinding Xiaohu's teeth, Ye Meng's little face showed a trace of regret.

There are only three hundred and sixty-five gods in the Fengshen Bang.

Naturally, Ye Meng would not go to waste at will.

"Fortunately, after the system was taken away by this baby, the Conferred God List has been emptied, otherwise it would really be a waste of God's position!"

Ye Meng shook his head and muttered to himself.

This list of gods is a system and can be reused naturally.

In fact, the ancestors of the Fengshen Palace, I don't know how many gods have been sealed.

It's just that these gods, after the emergence of the ancestors of the Fengshen Palace, also disappeared with ashes.

In addition to the Conferred God List, there is also a matching magic whip, whose power should not be underestimated.

This magic whip is a skill.

After using the skill, a virtual whip can be condensed to suppress the gods on the list of gods.

Of course, no matter how powerful the Conferred God List system is, it is a few grades worse than the God-level system, and the two are not at the same level at all.

For Ye Meng, it was just fun.

"Look at the other people in Fengshen Palace!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and swept away from the city.

In the next moment, his figure has appeared outside the city.

Yin Wa and the people of the Fengshen Palace are still waiting for news from Jiang Buju.

Ye Meng's appearance made them all stunned.

"This kid seems to be the enemy we are looking for!"

Some of the elders murmured uncertainly.

When Yin Wa on the side heard it, Liu's eyebrows stood upright.

"You are Ye Meng?"

Although Yin Wa is the Deputy Palace Master, because Jiang Buju is extremely afraid of her, she is actually the real Fengshen Palace Supreme Emperor.

No way, who said Jiang is not afraid of his wife!

Therefore, although Yin Wa's words seemed ordinary, her tone was extremely arrogant.

Well, it's quite a bit of a **** curse.

Ye Meng frowned upon hearing this.

"This baby is Ye Meng!"

"Little bastard!"

Hearing Ye Meng's self-confidence, Yin Wa was instantly furious!

This is the murderer who killed her son!

How could she let it go?

"Today this palace will make you better than dead!"

Compared to Jiang Buju, Yin Wa hates Ye Meng even more.

While she was talking, a ray of light flew out of her hand and went towards Ye Meng.

The other Fengshen Palace elders were taken aback first.

But their reaction speed was quite fast, and they quickly blasted towards Ye Meng with various magic weapons.

For a moment, the magic weapon roared all over the sky, and Ye Meng looked like it was precarious!

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