Divine Child System

Chapter 2455: Entering the world

"Husband, Feng'er!"

Yin Wa's mouth made an incredible exclamation.

Jiang Buju had even been robbed of the Conferred God List system. Obviously, he should have fallen first and the system was robbed behind.

Logically, he has already been wiped out, how can he be on the list of gods?

As for Jiang Feng, he was already dead.

At that time, the Conferred God List system was still on Jiang Buju!

But now, these two people actually appeared in the Conferred God List, which naturally made Yin Wa and the elders surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, this is so illogical!

The happy nature is that Jiang Buju and Jiang Feng are on the list, anyway, it is a glimmer of hope!

The remnants of Jiang Buju and Jiang Feng also recovered.

Immediately, the family of three began to cry.


In the resident, Ye Meng arranged everything and took Shen Hongye and went away.

They, this time, are going to play in the heavens.

However, Ye Meng didn't bring anyone except Shen Hongye this time.

Although they went to the heavens to play, Ye Meng didn't know what the heavens of the Shuling universe were like.

Because, in order to avoid accidents, Ye Meng left Liu Feifei and others, and only brought Shen Hongye.

After the two flew outside the Nine Heavens Clouds, they broke through the boundary between the heaven and the immortal world, and then broke through the boundary.

In the dark space barrier, the two did not know how long they had been flying.

As if time is here, it doesn't exist at all.

Just when Ye Meng felt impatient, their moments lit up.

In the next moment, a nine-color strange light suddenly appeared in front of them.

This nine-color different glow, emitting this breathtaking bright light, looks extremely dazzling!

Ye Meng and Shen Hongye were overjoyed when they saw this.

They knew that this should be the entrance to heaven.

Sure enough, when their figure was immersed in the nine-color different light, a majestic celestial aura instantly rushed toward his face.

"This is the heaven!"

Shen Hongye's old face was full of joyful smiles.

This time, flying day and night, he was exhausted!

"The heavens are really different!"

Ye Meng's little face also showed a satisfied look.

In front of us, there are peaks and mountains, and the mountains are continuous!

In the world of cultivating immortals, the thousand-foot-high mountain is already a rare peak!

However, here, let alone a mountain of thousands of feet high, peaks of up to several thousand feet can be seen almost everywhere!

On these peaks, towering ancient trees and rugged rocks.

What's more, countless waterfalls flow straight down, terrifying!

In the mountain stream, the spring water is faint, and the exotic flowers and grasses can be seen everywhere in the forest!

As for the fairy spirit here, it is even more intense to the point of heinous.

Even the Zongmen resident in Chang'an City can't be compared with here.

It can even be said that it is not at the same level at all.

Although the fairy spirit was of little use to Ye Meng, it was natural for others to cultivate.

Just as the two were watching themselves, a fishy wind suddenly hit.

"court death!"

Shen Hongye snorted softly and slashed out a palm.


The next moment, a wolf howl suddenly sounded.

However, a wolf demon was sneaking at them.

"What a mighty and mighty wolf demon!"

Upon seeing this, Shen Hongye laughed.

As soon as his voice fell, the wolf demon's abdomen was instantly pierced by a sharp blade exuding a dark glow.

Hidden knife in the smile, one of Shen Hongye's signature stunts!

Although the wolf demon looked extraordinary, he was still not Shen Hongye's opponent!

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