Divine Child System

Chapter 2458: Turn it over

In the past, even the golden immortal could not resist the full sky sand.

However, now, the terrifying Mantiansha actually fell into Ye Meng's hands, and he was playing around.

Lang Xiao and Lang are not at peace, naturally shocked!

There was cold sweat on their foreheads.

At this time, the two wolf spirits realized that they seemed to underestimate the little kid in front of them.

This little kid is clearly a hidden strong.

"Give it back to you!"

Ye Meng squeezed the Mantiansha in his hands into a ball and threw it at Lang Xiao and Lang Buping with a bang.

In an instant, the wind was blowing, flying sand and rocks!

A demon wind that resembles a tornado, whistling towards Lang Xiao and Lang Qi instantly!

"not good!"

When Lang Xiao and Lang Buping saw this, their horror disappeared.

The original power of Mantiansha is extremely astonishing, and it can easily strangle the strong Jinxian.

But now, the power of the demon wind that Ye Meng threw back has obviously increased several times.

This makes Lang Xiao and Lang unbalanced, so why not feel frightened?

The two of them burst back into shape, embarrassed!

But it is a pity that the demon wind is extremely fast, and Lang Xiao, who has a slightly weaker cultivation base, is evaded by the demon wind immediately!


A miserable cry came from the demon wind.

Lang Buping watched Lang Xiao just as he was torn to pieces by the demon wind.


A chill instantly hits his forehead from Lang's uneven feet.

too frightening!

The power of this full sky sand is at least comparable to his foster father Silvermoon Wolf King.

You know, the Silver Moon Wolf King is Taiyi Golden Immortal, and they can be wiped out with a wave of his hand.

And this little kid in front of him can actually amplify the power of Mantiansha to this extent!

"Damn it, where did this kid come from?"

Lang was upset, and roared frantically.

He faintly felt that this time they Yinyue Mountain might have kicked the iron plate.

"The foster father must be notified, otherwise..."

In Lang Buping's heart, just when he had this idea, a terrifying demon wind swept across in an instant.

This time, he couldn't escape anymore!

Just a breath of time is not up, and the unevenness of the golden fairy mid-term is completely wiped out!


Seeing this, Ye Meng patted her hands.

Shen Hongye on the side was a little ashamed.

I thought he had followed Ye Meng for many years, but he couldn't solve the two little wolf demons.

"Old Shen, this is not necessary, the cultivation system is just different!"

Ye Meng waved her hand when she saw it, and said milky voice.

When Shen Hongye was in the Yuanhuang Continent, he had already become emperor.

But because the system of the Shuling universe is completely different from the Yuanhuang Continent.

Therefore, after the Shuling Universe came, Shen Hongye's emperor realm cultivation base naturally did not exist.

It's not that Shen Hongye can't do it, but the system is different, and he hasn't been able to exert his full strength yet.

After continuing to adapt to this place for a period of time, Shen Hongye's strength will naturally recover.

"Go, go to Yinyue Mountain!"

Ye Meng waved his hand and said milky voice.

After killing two wolf demons, Ye Meng had already acquired their memories.

Therefore, he naturally knew that these two wolf monsters were monsters belonging to Yinyue Mountain!

Moreover, Ye Meng was also quite curious about the Silver Moon Wolf King.

In the dungeon of Journey to the West, Ye Meng once had a group of demon kings.

However, the monster clan of the Westward Journey dungeon is obviously different from the monster clan here.

Therefore, Ye Meng naturally needs to understand clearly.

Immediately, the two flew towards Yinyue Mountain.

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