Divine Child System

Chapter 2468: Three Demon Kings

"Go, let this baby go to some magic rock mountain to stroll around!"

After Ye Meng stood up, he said milky voice.

Hearing this, Silvermoon Wolf King couldn't help but breathe in another breath.

Seeing what the Lord meant, he wanted to go to Demon Rock Mountain to do things!

This made the Silver Moon Wolf King horrified and shocked.

He wanted to stop it, but unfortunately he was afraid and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Ye Meng and Shen Hongye didn't care about Silvermoon Wolf King's thoughts.

The two of them stepped out of the hall with Shi Shiran.

Upon seeing this, Silvermoon Wolf King gritted his teeth and followed.

Since the Lord wants to do something, then he Silvermoon Wolf King will give his life to accompany the gentleman!

With a tragic look, Silvermoon Wolf King bit his scalp, followed Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, and flew towards Moyan Mountain.

Demon Rock Mountain belongs to the Eviscerate Domain at the eastern end of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

In the Eviscerate domain, it is rumored that Nezha was the place where Nezha eviscerated the bones and returned to the father and cut the flesh to the mother.

After that, it became a deserted place, where countless demon monks and demon kings settled here, and finally formed the Eviscerate Domain.

On the edge of the Eviscerate Domain, is the famous Proud Country.

Aolai country was placed before, but it was actually not well-known.

But what's the matter? Later, Aolai had a great figure in China!

This big man is the Monkey King, the great sage of the heavenly realm.

Therefore, Ye Meng wanted to go to Demon Rock Mountain, except to teach Demon Rock ancestors.

Still holding it, went to the Huaguo Mountain in Aolai Country.

He wanted to see the difference between the Monkey King in the Shuling Universe and the Monkey King in the copy of the Three Realms.

Of course, today's Monkey King has long been called the Fight and Victory Buddha.

Maybe after Ye Meng went to Huaguo Mountain, he might not be able to see Monkey King.

But Ye Meng didn't care about it.

Can't see Monkey King, look at General Beng and Ba, or Marshal Ma and Liu.

After all, when he was in the Three Realms Dungeon, General Beng and Ba Er and Marshal Ma and Liu had a good relationship with him.

However, it is not easy to go to Demon Rock Mountain.

Between Wanyaoling and Moyan Mountain, there are thousands of miles away.

To reach Demon Rock Mountain, one must pass through the territories of several demon kings such as Luolei Ya, Tianfeng Valley, and Wanyue Mountain.

Luo Lei Ya, Tianfeng Valley, and Wanyue Mountain were also ruled by the Demon Rock ancestors.

It's just different from Wan Yaoling.

The Demon Kings of these three powers are extremely powerful, even the ancestors of Demon Rock attach great importance to them.

Especially the Demon King of Wanyue Mountain, is a rhino demon who has been able to do so for many years.

This rhino demon, it is said that not long ago, broke through to the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

Already can sit on an equal footing with the ancestor of Demon Rock.

In addition, the eagle demon of Thunder Cliff and the weasel of Tianfeng Valley are also in the peak realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, which is extremely difficult to provoke.

In the past, every time when paying tribute, the Silver Moon Wolf King would give a generous gift in a low voice when passing by these three forces, for peace.

Even if it weren't for these three major demon kings, it would have been for the sake of the Silver Moon Wolf King, who belonged to the ancestor of the Demon Rock with them, that the Silver Moon Wolf King would have been destroyed long ago.

"Lord, the front is the Thunder Cliff. The Lone Eagle King who has fallen into the Thunder Cliff is extremely cruel. You must be careful!"

When he was about to reach Thunder Cliff, the Silver Moon Wolf King reminded Ye Meng cautiously.

Ye Meng heard a hint of curiosity on his small face.

"This Lone Eagle King, isn't it the Taiyi Golden Immortal with you? Even if you can't compare to him, why are you afraid of him being like this?"

For this, Ye Meng was somewhat puzzled.

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