Divine Child System

Chapter 2470: ridiculous

As soon as the Lone Eagle King appeared, the Silver Moon Wolf King's face suddenly wiped a trace of tension.

However, the Silvermoon Wolf King responded quickly.

"I am still afraid of a ball. I have the Golden Linglong Tower in my hand. How can the Lone Eagle King be my opponent?"

At this point, the look of Silvermoon Wolf King instantly became calm.

It seems that he is a bit of a master.

But the Lone Eagle King on the opposite side didn't notice it at all.

When he saw that the person was the Queen of Silver Moon Wolf, the contemptuous expression in his eyes was unobstructed.

A mere silvermoon wolf king, usually the ants who bow in front of him.

As for Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, the old is the old, the young is the young.

Long ago ignored by the Lone Eagle King.

"Old wolf, solve him!"

Ye Meng was impatient, so he chirped here, and immediately shouted at the Silver Moon Wolf King's milk.

"Yes, master!"

Upon hearing this, the Silver Moon Wolf King hurriedly bowed to promise.

The Lone Eagle King on the opposite side couldn't help but laughed.

This kid, I'm afraid he didn't wake up, right?

Let a wolf demon running out of the horns solve his lone eagle king?

This is not a dream, what is it?

Lone Eagle King's attention was completely focused on Ye Meng's words, so that he didn't even listen to how Silver Moon Wolf King responded.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the Lone Eagle King cannot be so big.

After all, the Silver Moon Wolf King is Taiyi Golden Immortal no matter what.

How could it be easy to be called the master by Taiyi Jinxian?

"Lone eagle, this king will suppress you today!"

Silvermoon Wolf King straightened his chest and said proudly.

Now, he has the Golden Linglong Tower in his hands, full of confidence.

There was a time when he bowed to his knees in front of the Lone Eagle King, and was called by them, like a slave.

But today, it's his turn to be proud of the Silver Moon Wolf King!

At this point, Silvermoon Wolf King flipped his wrist, and the Golden Linglong Tower instantly appeared in his palm.

As soon as the Golden Linglong Tower appeared, it immediately exuded a terrifying aura of pressure.

Although the Golden Linglong Tower was not a top-notch item among the ancient magic weapons.

But no matter what, it is also a well-known magic weapon.

Therefore, its power cannot be resisted by the little demons in the Eviscerate Domain.

Therefore, when Lone Eagle King felt the pressure of the Golden Linglong Tower, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Yellow...Golden Linglong Tower!"

Lone Eagle King's exclamation, blurted out.

His voice has obvious vibrato.

Obviously he was shocked by the Golden Linglong Tower.

This is actually not difficult to understand.

Whether it is a monk from the profound sect or the demon king of the demon clan, even if it is the same realm, there is a world of difference between them.

Just like the grandson monkey who made trouble in the palace.

His cultivation at that time was only in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian.

But it can make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, fighting alone with one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals.

Such a Taiyi Golden Immortal, its combat effectiveness, even a hundred Lone Eagle Kings can't match.

In the same way, Li Jing, the king of Tota, was nothing more than a waste in the eyes of Ye Meng, Monkey King and others.

But in the eyes of the Demon King from the bottom, like the Lone Eagle King, that is a super power with the mighty power of the world.

So, after seeing Li Jing's magic weapon, the Golden Linglong Tower, how could he be calm?

His legs have already begun to weaken.

Think about what I said and did before, but it was ridiculously unspeakable.

"Wolf King, please..."

Before the word forgiveness was spoken, the Silver Moon Wolf King had already turned his wrist and sacrificed the Golden Linglong Tower.

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