Divine Child System

Chapter 2476: Magic Rock Mountain is here

"Master, I actually have a name too!"

The Silver Moon Wolf King on the side said slightly aggrieved.

He felt that Ye Meng had always called him Old Wolf, Old Wolf, and he sounded a little low!

Silver Moon Wolf King is called Lang Yin, but this name sounds a little strange.

Ye Meng naturally didn't want to call him that way.

"Okay, just your bad name, this baby is not rare to call it!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand as if disgusted.

When Silvermoon Wolf King heard this, a trace of embarrassment was wiped across his face.

At the beginning, after he gained the Tao, his brain convulsed and he took such a name.

Although behind, he also felt that Lang Yin sounded a little strange.

However, at that time, this name had already been spread among the Demon King.

It was difficult for him to change his name.

At this point, Silvermoon Wolf King scratched his head awkwardly.

"Then the master should call me old wolf!"

Although the old wolf is also quite low, but there is a sense of intimacy, which is not comparable to Lang Yin.

After the episode, Moyan Mountain was already in sight.

Although Moyan Mountain is quite far away from Tianfeng Valley, it will naturally not take much time at the speed of Ye Meng and others.

"Is this the Magic Rock Mountain?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, and said milky voice.

Upon hearing this, the Silver Moon Wolf King and the Rhinoceros King responded quickly.

"Yes, master, this is Demon Rock Mountain!"

"Look, master, the palace at the top of Demon Rock Peak is the cave mansion of the ancestor of Demon Rock!"

While speaking, the Rhinoceros Demon King pointed to a palace on the mountain peak and said.

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng curled his lips.

"Cut, a terrapin, dare to live in the palace!"

In his eyes, the ancestor of the Demon Rock is nothing but a turtle.

Silvermoon Wolf King and Rhino Demon King couldn't help laughing bitterly when they heard.

Perhaps, that is, the master, dare to look at the ancestor of Bian Moyan like this.

In fact, even the Rhinoceros Demon King, after stepping into the Daluojin Immortal, he dare not blatantly break away from the rule of the Demon Rock ancestor.

On the contrary, after knowing the realm of the Rhinoceros Demon King, the ancestor of the Demon Rock offered to offer his Canary Moon Mountain in the future without paying tribute.

This is a trick used by the ancestors of Moyan.

Under normal circumstances, the Demon King who reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian under his command would be grateful.

At least, under no special circumstances, they will not violate the orders of the ancestors of the magic rock.

After all, the ancestor of Demon Rock is a veteran Da Luo Jinxian, and his strength is much stronger than them.

It is nothing more than that everyone is treated equally from a subordinate position.

"Let's go, go in and take a look!"

After Ye Meng waved his small hand, he flew over.

Upon seeing this, Silvermoon Wolf King, Rhinoceros King, and Shen Hongye hurriedly followed.

When they first approached Demon Rock Mountain, the little demon guarding the mountain had already spotted them.

Immediately, a little demon with a clever civet, stood up.

"The only ones who come are... Hey, it's Silver Moon Wolf!"

As soon as he spoke, he discovered the Silvermoon Wolf King.

In the next moment, the figure of the Rhinoceros Demon King also appeared in front of him.

The civet was suddenly shocked.

The Rhinoceros Demon King is not much higher than the Silver Moon Wolf King, his status is much higher.

If you say, facing the Silvermoon Wolf King, this civet may be able to put on airs.

But facing the Rhino Demon King, he dare not.

Immediately, the civet cat's straight chest collapsed immediately.

"The little demon has seen the Rhino Demon King!"

As he spoke, the face of the civet was full of flattery.

I have to say, this civet is also a demon talent!

The set of things that human beings tend to become inferior to, has been learned decently by him.

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