Divine Child System

Chapter 2487: Demon King

The Hunshi Demon King, in Journey to the West, is regarded as the first demon king Sun Monkey who came back from learning art.

But here, this product was not beaten to death by Monkey King.

He was taught directly by Monkey Sun at the beginning, and he was completely convinced.

Even when Sun Monkey made a big trouble in the Heavenly Palace, this demon king also brought the little demon to help out.

Of course, after Sun Monkey was defeated, he saw the unsatisfactory Hunshi Demon and ran away with the little demon.

However, because of this, he escaped a disaster.

After that, Sun Monkey learned the scriptures and became a Buddha.

But the demon king of the mixed world still holds the mountain as the king and is happy and content.

Until not long ago, the heavens had changed and the Monster Race Alliance appeared.

Logically, as Sun Monkey’s neighbor, persuading the Hunshi Demon King to join the Demon Race Alliance, it seems that it is not the turn of the white-clothed Xiu Shi.

But in fact, Sun Monkey is not in Huaguoshan all year round.

The monkeys and grandchildren on the Huaguo Mountain don't wait to see the Hunshi Demon, naturally it is impossible to run to win each other.

Therefore, this task was handed over to the scholar in white.

Now, Xiusi in white brought Ye Meng and others to the outside of Shui Dirty Cave.

Perhaps there is a powerful neighbor, the little demon in the dirty hole, really modest and low-key.

After seeing Ye Meng and the others, the little demon guarding the mountain hurriedly humbly welcomed everyone in.

"Hahaha, I have heard about the name of the White King for a long time. A certain family has long wanted to see the White King, but has never had this opportunity. Today I don't want God to complete a certain family!"

As soon as he entered the dirty water cave, the voice of the Hunshi Demon had already been heard.

After Ye Meng heard it, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

In Journey to the West, this Hunshi Demon is a proper dragon sleeve.

Moreover, it does not seem to have any IQ.

But now it seems that this product is not simple.

Didn't you see these words, did the white-clothed Xiu Shi have a spring breeze?

"It's hard to underestimate these Dragon Set Demon Kings. In the book, they may have died halfway due to various reasons, but in fact they are not necessarily useless!"

Ye Meng nodded secretly, thinking in his heart.

It is better to believe in books than to have no books. What's more, this is the book spirit universe, not the Journey to the West.

There are some differences between the two.

The Hunshi Demon's figure is extremely stalwart, and when he raises his hands, his heroic air blows at his face.

But Ye Meng saw a hint of shrewdness from his eyebrows.

Obviously, this demon king is not simple.

Maybe he doesn't have any great mana or wisdom.

But little people also have the wisdom of little people.

Ye Meng would not underestimate him just because he was calm and could please the white-clothed scholar.

After welcoming everyone into the cave, the Hunshi Demon immediately put on a banquet to entertain everyone.

I have to mention one thing here, the Hunshi Demon King is really a very good demon king.

After discovering the human identities of Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, he immediately cancelled various **** banquets that often appeared in the regular Demon King.

It has been changed into a special game feast with rare and exotic fruits and mountain and forest game.

This made Ye Meng look admiringly at him.

Even the old fox-like Shen Hongye was quite satisfied with this.

After drinking three rounds, everyone gradually brought the topic to the Yaozu League.

After Hunshi Demon heard this, his face showed a clear look.

Obviously, after hearing the visit of the white-clothed celebrity, he already knew the purpose of the other party.

The affairs of the Yaozu Alliance are so violent now.

As an indigenous demon king, the Hunshi Demon King naturally heard about it.

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