Divine Child System

Chapter 2491: Dragon Set Monster Red Lin King

"Who would dare to break into Shituoling without permission?"

It was the blue lion spirit who was talking, he was full of anger, staring fiercely into the air.

Since Ye Meng and others had not yet fully landed on the ground, the little demon didn't see the figure of the white-clothed Xiu Shi clearly, and subconsciously thought which demon king was the offender.

"Blue Lion, this king!"

The figure of the white-clothed Xiushi flashed and appeared in the sight of the little demons.

Seeing the white-clothed celebrities and all the demons present, they all relaxed.

"White King, are you back?"

The Xiu Shi in white clothes is the Daluo Golden Immortal Demon King, and his status is naturally far superior to the little demon present.

Therefore, these little monsters all revealed a scent of flattery after seeing the white-clothed celebrities.

Well, except for the monkey spirits from Huaguoshan, standing there unruly one by one.

The remaining little demon had already begun to surround the white-clothed showman who fell on the ground.

"The White King has worked hard!"

"This time, it is gratifying that the White King has so many demon kings all at once!"

"Compared to King Honglin, you are better than King White!"

"That is, King Honglin went out and returned empty-handed. How could he be like the White King, bringing back so many Demon Kings at once!"

The little demons gathered around the white-clothed scholars with flattering faces, and flattered.

Hearing the words, the Xiushi in white smiled.

He certainly wouldn't take these words seriously.

Who doesn't know that these little monsters are the masters of ghosts and spirits?

Seeing the wind and turning the rudder, meeting people and talking nonsense, is their most basic portrayal.

I'm afraid that when King Honglin came back, they were so flattering.

Thinking of King Honglin, the scholar in white couldn't help but sneer.

King Honglin, like him, came from the snake clan.

It's just that he is a family of white snakes, naturally noble.

The Red Lin King was a Red Lin python who gained the way, and finally cultivated to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, dominating the land.

However, in the original story of Journey to the West, the Red Lin King was caught by Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, and he was hanged and beaten to death.

Be regarded as a dragon monster on the way to learn!

But here, King Honglin did not die in the hands of Monkey Sun and Zhu Bajie.

On the contrary, not long ago, he also got a great opportunity to step into the realm of Da Luo Jinxian in one fell swoop.

Therefore, he can be regarded as a demon king now.

Therefore, after the establishment of the Yaozu League, he was also invited over.

However, in the Yaozu League, the Red Lin King and the white-robed Xiu Shi were a little uncomfortable.

In the Monster Race Alliance, the white-clothed Xiu Shi has the support of Xiong Gukai, Canglangjing, Red Boy, and even the Bull Demon King.

King Honglin was just a lonely man.

Therefore, according to reason, he would never dare to provoke a white-clothed celebrity.

But perhaps God made a special joke.

Originally, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, who killed him in fate, suddenly looked at him for some reason.

In this way, with Sun Monkey and Zhu Bajie as the backers, Honglin King naturally has the confidence to challenge the white-clothed Xiu Shi.

Although, the establishment of the Yaozu Alliance is not long.

But infighting has gradually emerged.

However, the top demon kings, such as the Bull Demon King and Monkey King, did not personally end up.

They are now fighting with each other through the little demon kings like the white-clothed Xiu Shi and the Honglin King.

This is naturally to compete for the boss of the Monster Race Alliance.

After all, this position makes many big demon kings very greedy.

"Young Master Ye, I will enter Shituoling later, I am afraid that King Honglin will use your identity to attack this..."

After walking a few steps, the scholar in white suddenly thought of something and whispered towards Ye Meng.

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