Divine Child System

Chapter 2495: All troublesome

Of course, King Honglin didn't dare to refute Hong Hai'er's words, he opened his mouth sharply, and then wisely chose not to speak.

After Zhu Gang saw it, he didn't say anything.

In fact, he didn't even care about Ye Meng's identity.

What happened to Terran?

Was he still a fairy back then?

Now, he still became the Demon King.

Previously, it was simply because the white-clothed Xiushi, the patron behind him, had a competitive relationship with Sun Monkey.

He just stood up, otherwise Zhu Gang would not pay attention to such trivial matters.

"Marshal Canopy, the Great Sage is looking for you!"

At this moment, a little demon hurried over,

When Pig Gang heard this, he was relieved.

This little demon came at the right time, otherwise he would still be a little hard to get off.

After all, in front of so many people, it is impossible for him to admit counsel in front of Red Boy.

However, the real fire of Red Boy's Samadhi is another supernatural power he is extremely jealous of.

He was not sure about defeating Red Boy.

Now, the appearance of the little demon just gave him a chance to step down.

How can I miss the pig who has always been careful and thinking a lot?

"Hmph, Red Boy, the Demon Race Alliance is not your Jilei Mountain in charge!"

After sternly, he waved his hand at King Honglin.


Immediately, Zhu Gang turned around and left.

Upon seeing this, King Honglin hurriedly followed.

Seeing Zhu Ganglu and the others are gone, the white-clothed Xiushi also breathed a sigh of relief.

He bowed to the red boy.

"Thank you, Holy Baby King!"

Hearing this, Hong Hai'er waved his hand indifferently.

He came out to relieve the white-clothed Xiu Shi purely on the face of the black wind monster.

After all, when he was in Luojia Mountain, he and Black Wind Monster could be regarded as a little friendship.

Now in the Demon Race Alliance, the demon kings of all parties cling to each other, forming small circles.

Hong Haier didn't do that.

First, he was not interested in these intrigues.

Secondly, he was naturally labeled as the Bull Demon King faction, although the relationship between the Bull Demon King and him has always been a bit alienated.

But no matter how he was, he couldn't compete with his father for power.

Therefore, he didn't bother to care about the messy things of the Yaozu League.

On weekdays, basically one person practices in the alliance.

Had it not been for him to come out of the cave on a whim today, I am afraid the white-clothed scholar would really have to eat it.

"White clothes, this little brother is..."

Hong Hai'er asked, naturally it was Ye Meng.

After hearing this, the white-clothed scholar on the side quickly whispered the origins of Ye Meng one by one.

Hong Hai'er became more surprised as she listened, and her little face showed a curious look unconsciously.

In the eyes of the Xiu Shi in white, this child named Ye Meng was extremely powerful.

It sounded like he was no less inferior to his Holy Infant King Honghaier.

This made Red Boy, who was originally interested in Ye Meng, more eager to try.

"Brother Ye Meng, it turns out that you are so powerful, so it's just right. Why don't you and me compare?"

Hong Haier is a militant, a troublemaker among the monster race.

He is usually fine, he has to cause something to come out. What's more, now that he hears that Ye Meng, a child who looks not much different from him, has all kinds of magical skills, how can he hold it back?

"Study? All right!"

Ye Meng gritted his teeth when he heard the words.

He is also a troublemaker, even more troublesome than Red Boy.

Therefore, Ye Meng will not retreat.

Both troublemakers started to get excited.

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