Divine Child System

Chapter 2507: This is the remains of the witch

When the three of Ye Meng entered the center of the ruins, Yuan Tianyu also jumped in from the entrance.

However, he only took three steps, and his figure couldn't stop shaking.

"So strong... this breath..."

As a pure monster clan, Yuan Tianyu's coercion was far beyond the Red Boy's.

At least, this coercive force is a hundred times stronger than Red Boy!

"Witch! This is the remains of the Witch!"

Yuan Tianyu is a Void Demon Ape born in Honghuang, although he has not personally experienced the great events of the great wild.

However, he had also dealt with the Wu Clan before being trapped in the void.

At that time, the two families of Lich had not completely fallen apart.

The witches and monsters at the bottom have many connections with each other.

At that time, Yuan Tianyu exchanged a bone arrow from a powerful Wu clan named Hou Yi.

He still cherishes this bone arrow now, because it is the only magic weapon in his hand!

After that, Yuan Tianyu was trapped in Nothingness.

However, the Void Land could block him from going out, but it would not block the Holy Voice of Heaven.

Therefore, when he was in the Land of Nothingness, he also knew that the two families of Lich finally fell out.

It is said that the cause is the strong man named Hou Yi, the nine princes of Emperor Dijun.

This made the Lich races completely tore their faces.

"Since it is a relic of the witch clan, my monster body is afraid it will be difficult to enter the relic!"

At the moment when he felt the aura of the Wu clan, Yuan Tianyu had retreated back to the entrance of the cave, and he secretly thought.

After a while, his eyes lit up.

"Yes, I can do this..."

Thinking in his mind, he took out a bone arrow.

This bone arrow was the one he had exchanged with Hou Yi back then.

Holding the bone arrow in his hand, Yuan Tianyu reduced the breath of all the monsters in his body.

At the same time, he continuously released the Wu Clan Houyi's breath contained in the bone arrow.

Sure enough, in this way, the terrifying aura in the ruins seemed to treat him as his own.

"Hahaha, I really am a genius!"

Upon seeing this, Yuan Tianyu was very happy.

Immediately, holding the bone arrow, he walked slowly towards the center of the ruins.

On the other side, the three Ye Meng had already appeared in the center of the ruins.

There is nothing but a huge bone.

The bones are about hundreds of feet long, and the bone spur protruding from above is bigger than the three of Ye Meng.

However, according to the appearance of the bone, it seems that it should be a leg bone.

"This bone is so big!"

Hong Haier looked surprised, he had seen such a big bone for the first time.

Beside him, Shen Hongye was also surprised.

However, Shen Hongye is an old fox. Although he is surprised, the expression on his face looks motionless.

It was as if he had seen more bones like this.

"It seems that this is indeed a relic of the Wu clan!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, with such an expression as expected.

Before entering the ruins, he had a hunch that the ruins might have something to do with the Wu clan.

Now it seems that it is so!

After all, only the Witch clan are the great and famous giants, especially the Twelve Ancestral Witches, which are extremely huge.

And the huge leg bones at the moment obviously fit the characteristics of the Wu clan.

"However, which great witch's leg bone is this, or is it directly the leg bone of the ancestor witch?"

After staring at the leg bones, Ye Meng touched her chin and said to herself.

Hong Haier was shocked when he heard this.

He is a junior of the monster clan. After he was born, the witch clan has long been destroyed.

He only learned from some historical materials that there were witches in the prehistoric era.

And there was a life and death battle with Yaozu.

Therefore, when he heard the word Wuzu, he was naturally shocked.

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