Divine Child System

Chapter 2509: Inheritance of Water God Gonggong

Seeing Yuan Tianyu, Hong Haier was immediately surprised.

He didn't expect that Monkey Sun would follow them surreptitiously!

Ye Meng was not surprised, he glanced at Yuan Tianyu with a smile.

"Dignified Monkey King, he has actually learned to walk the end!"

These words have just been spoken, Yuan Tianyu has not had time to reply in the future, the sudden change occurred!

A terrible breath suddenly jumped from the giant bones.

In the next moment, the breath instantly enveloped Yuan Tianyu!

"Huh? Does this guy like Monkey King?"

Seeing this, Ye Meng was slightly startled.

He clearly knew that the terrifying aura in the giant bones existed for the purpose of finding descendants.

Now, looking at this situation, Breath has obviously chosen Monkey King!

This made Ye Meng, who knew well about the hatred between the two clans of the Lich, suddenly surprised.

The same is true for Red Boy, he looked at the scene in front of him with a dazed expression, he didn't know what to say!

"Hahaha, the inheritance of the Water God Co-Working!"

Suddenly, Yuan Tianyu's wild laughter came out.

The terrible breath gradually dissipated until it was no longer felt.

In the next moment, when Yuan Tianyu's figure reappeared, his realm suddenly broke through the Da Luo Jinxian and reached the quasi-sage level!

The inheritance left by an aura allowed him to cross the threshold of Da Luo Jinxian, which was incredible to the extreme.

You know, the 12th Ancestor Witch was only a quasi-sage level before his death.

But now, the breath left behind by the Water Gods has helped Yuan Tianyu break through to the quasi-sage.

This has to make people feel that today's quasi-sage is really weak and pitiful compared to the prehistoric times.

In fact, this is easy to understand!

The current realms of Daluo Jinxian, Quasi-Sage, etc., are all realms within the rules.

In the prehistoric era, the quasi-sage strength of the Twelve Ancestral Witch was not within the rules.

As for the so-called rules, they were created by the ancestors of Hongjun, and the powerhouses of the prehistoric times are naturally not included.

Therefore, it is clear at a glance which is strong and weak!

"Cut, a quasi-sage can make you so happy, really hopeless!"

For some reason, Ye Meng didn't look pleasing to the grandson monkey in front of him.

Hearing this, Yuan Tianyu, who was overjoyed, his face instantly became gloomy.

"What a big tone, Huangkouruzi, dare to underestimate the quasi-sage?"

Originally, he was still a little afraid of Ye Meng's samādhi fire.

But now, he has broken through to the quasi-sage, and his strength has skyrocketed by at least ten times, and the samādhi sacred fire is no longer in his eyes!

"It's just right, I want to take you anyway, so it's better to take this opportunity now!"

After a thought, Yuan Tianyu's murderous intent was revealed.

Capture Ye Meng and send it to Lingshan. As for the red boy and the little old man beside him, just kill them!

As the Void Demon Ape, Yuan Tianyu never knows what it means to be soft-hearted!

Immediately, he stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Ye Meng!

I have to say that this guy has just entered the realm of quasi-sage, and has gained the inheritance of the Water God of the Twelve Ancestor Witches, which is already inflated!


Seeing this, Ye Meng took a sip!

In the next moment, countless bullets burst out!

Da da da!

The densely packed bullets instantly shot towards Yuan Tianyu's palm.

The sudden bullet shocked both Hong Haier and Yuan Tianyu.

What magical power is this special?

So weird?

In this moment of dazedness, Yuan Tianyu couldn't help grinning because of the huge pain from his hand.

Under his heart, there was an unnamed rage suddenly!

"court death!"

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