Divine Child System

Chapter 2526: Sever father-son relationship

At that moment, Hong Haier's heart was completely hurt!

His biological father actually wanted to kill him?

What did he do wrong?

Can't even his father tolerate him?

So far, the red boy who has always been strong has a faint mist looming in his eyes.

His mother, who is in love, has no time to take care of him.

And his father, actually going to kill him?

"Kill you? That's cheap for you to plant this evil!"

The Bull Demon was a red boy who didn't care about despair, and sneered.

At this moment, Hong Hai'er is no longer his son, but Sin Chong!

Of course he won't let it down!

"Mavericks, why are you so grumpy? If you have anything, you might as well make it clear first!"

At this moment, Shen Hongye stood up and said old-fashioned.

He claims to have lived a million years, so he naturally dares to call the Bull Demon King that way.

Moreover, as an old man, he had long discovered the attitude of the Bull Demon towards the Red Boy, and it seemed that there was a difference between heaven and earth.

For Red Boy, Shen Hongye still likes it.

For one thing, this kid is really pleasing.

Secondly, he also saw a trace of Ye Meng's shadow from Hong Haier!

Therefore, Aiwu and Wuxia, he is still full of affection for Red Boy, and naturally does not want to see the desperate appearance of Red Boy today!

Being interrupted by Shen Hongye in this way, the atmosphere eased slightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hu Xiu rushed to the front of the Bull Demon King and blocked him.

Then, speaking very quickly!

"Brother Niu is so angry because of a rumor..."

With the spread of this rumor, everyone will know it sooner or later, so Hu Xiu does not intend to hide it!

Besides, whether the monkey grandson in front of me or the child surnamed Ye is still an outsider!

Sun Monkey is the righteous brother of the Bull Demon King, and the child with the surname Ye is said to be commensurate with the Honghaier brother!

Therefore, Hu Xiu didn't have any pressure to talk about this scandalous rumor.

"It is rumored that Red Boy is not the heir of Brother Niu, so Brother Niu lost his mind!"

Although Hu Xiu did not conceal the rumors, he did not elaborate.

After all, this is always discrediting the Bull Devil.

"What? There is such a rumor?"

Shen Hongye was surprised when he heard this.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked at Ye Meng.

In his opinion, the omnipotent little brother may know the truth.

But just as he turned his head, he saw Ye Meng's thoughtful look, and his heart suddenly became suspicious.

"Is it true that the rumors are true? But it is, Red Boy, how is this baby like a cow?"

When Shen Hongye was speculating secretly, Yuan Tianyu on the side suddenly showed a complicated look on his face.

"So you suspect that I am not your son? Very good. Starting today, my red boy will be separated from your father-son relationship!"

Hearing this, Hong Haier clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Why didn't Red Boy expect that the Bull Demon King would really believe that he was not his son because of a mere rumor?

For thousands of years, even if the father-son relationship is not good, it is just that the two of them are not good at expressing!


The Bull Demon snorted coldly, his expression indifferent.

He knew that with Sun Monkey and others here today, he couldn't kill Red Boy.

However, since both sides have torn their faces, he will always have a chance to start!

"Hey, it's a whole thing..."

Shen Hongye looked at Red Boy distressedly and sighed again and again!

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