Divine Child System

Chapter 2530: This baby wants to be the leader

The red boy fell silent.

In fact, it is not that he is ignorant.

Rather, he cares too much about this father's love.

But now that the Bull Demon said so, he understood.

"I know!"

He replied silently, and then retreated silently.

In the past, he might not be able to understand so quickly.

But today, so many things happened all at once.

Let him finally understand that it turned out that the Bull Devil still cared about him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Bull Demon King to become irritable as soon as he heard the rumor.

"Okay, the truth is said, and your father and son are also considered harmonious, there is nothing wrong with me here!"

Yuan Tianyu shrugged and said calmly.

"By the way, Lao Niu, although I am not Monkey King, but after all I am impersonating him for so long, there is some friendship between you and me. If you call you old Niu, you are not at a loss!"

"In addition, I don't care about this leader or something. If it weren't for Sakyamuni's order, I wouldn't bother to fight for any leader!"

As soon as this statement came out, the Bull Demon King and Hu Xiu were taken aback.

The next moment, a sense of ecstasy surged into their hearts.

This time although there are many demon kings competing for the leader of the demon clan alliance.

However, there are only so few people who really hope to get the position of leader.

There is one Bull Demon King, one Monkey King, and another Lion King.

The remaining demon kings, like Demon King Peng and Demon King Jiao, although their strength may not be worse than them.

But the prestige among the demons was simply incomparable to them.

The Bull Demon has a vast friendship, and there are many friends in the heaven.

Not only the demon clan, but even some immortals and dragon clan, they call him brothers and sisters.

Therefore, in terms of popularity, among the demon kings, he is the second, and no one dares to be the first.

As for Monkey King, it was purely a reputation.

Whether it was Huaguoshan becoming king on his own, or the subsequent riots in the Heavenly Palace, he was well-known within the Yaozu.

Perhaps those great demon kings may not be able to convince Monkey King.

But those little monsters in the heavens, ordinary monster kings, all regarded Monkey King as idols.

Therefore, Monkey King's appeal is naturally very strong, and he can be regarded as a strong competitor of the Bull Demon King.

As for the Lion King, although in terms of popularity, he is not as good as the Bull King.

In terms of fame, he can't compare to Monkey King.

But he has an advantage, that is, he has a very strong appeal among the big demon kings.

Moreover, the headquarters of the Yaozu Alliance was set up in Shituoling.

Therefore, his threat is not small.

But now, the Bull Demon King and Hu Xiu were overjoyed when they heard Yuan Tianyu gave up the competition.

Without Monkey King, there is only one lion camel king who can be called an opponent.

The Bull Demon King gained the hope of the leader and naturally became even greater.

"Thank you Brother Yuan!"

The Bull Demon King happily, arched his hands towards Yuan Tianyu.

"Brother Yuan, what if you could help my great king?"

At this time, Hu Xiu suddenly said to Yuan Tianyu.

When the bull demon heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

If Yuan Tianyu, a fake grandson monkey, helped him, it would be almost impossible for him to gain the leader.

"He won't help you!"

Yuan Tianyu didn't answer yet, but Ye Meng on the side suddenly said with milk.

When Hu Xiu heard this, he couldn't help but asked subconsciously.


"Because this baby is going to be the leader!"

Ye Meng replied with a straightforward and arrogant look, curling her mouth with milk.

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