Divine Child System

Chapter 2532: Kui Muxingjun

Time passed quickly, and it was three days later.

On this day, all the demon kings of Shituoling appeared.

At this time, the major demon kings all gathered outside Shituoling.

They are waiting for the arrival of the heavenly envoy Kui Juxingjun.

In terms of status, a mere Kui Juxing Lord is not worthy of being greeted by the demon kings.

After all, these great demon kings all come from extraordinary origins.

Some can even be traced back to the Conferred God Period.

Although Kui Muxingjun is powerful, he is after all a deity canonized by the Conferred God List and is controlled by the Conferred God List.

In terms of strength, he is undoubtedly inferior to the major demon kings.

It's just that Kui Muxing Jun came under the order of the old man, and he also turned into a demon back then, and spent some time in the demon clan!

Therefore, the major demon kings will personally welcome them to show their grandeur.

Ye Meng, Shen Hongye, and Hong Haier were also crowded in the crowd.

Compared with the major demon kings, they were much lower-key, just at the end of the crowd, watching from a distance.

Anyway, it's not the time for their turn, let the demon kings show off first!

As for Yuan Tianyu, he was still pretending to be Monkey King at this time, naturally standing with the demon kings.

After waiting for a while, there was a faint sound of breaking through the void.

The next moment, a man with a mighty expression fell from the sky.

This person is surprisingly the Kui Muxing of the Heavenly Court, the yellow robe monster who was in the monster race at the beginning!

"Brother Huangpao, long time no see!"

The first to speak was the Bull Demon King.

As a big brother, he always speaks first on such occasions.

On this point, the demon kings did not have any objections.

"Hahaha, Brother Niu!"

When Kui Muxing heard this, his slightly serious face squeezed out a smile.

For these Demon Kings in front of him, he was quite agreeable.

To put it in a bad way, he felt that these Demon Kings were more loyal than his colleagues in the Heavenly Court.

At least, the Demon Kings seldom know one thing in person and one behind the other.

"Brother Huangpao!"

"Brother Huangpao!"

"Yellow robe, always good?"

"I haven't seen you for many days, the style of Huangpao brother is still there!"

Then, the greetings of the demon kings rang.

When Kui Muxing heard this, he did not dare to neglect, and nodded with the demon kings one by one.

While the demon kings and Kui Muxingjun were greeting each other, Ye Meng turned his head and asked Shen Hongye.

"My baby remembers that I seemed to have met a relative of Huangpao Monster?"

Hearing this, Shen Hongye nodded immediately.

"That's right, it seems like a yellow shirt guest, who was suppressed by Yinyue with the Golden Linglong Tower!"

Ye Meng kicked the Silver Moon Wolf King in front of him.

"Old wolf, this baby asks you, is the little weasel you suppressed, is still there?"

The Silver Moon Wolf King was looking at the greetings of the demon kings and Kui Muxingjun with a look of envy, and was suddenly kicked by Ye Meng, immediately startled.

He looked back and realized that he was his master.

Immediately, he replied with a confession.

"It seems to be there, I don't know if it's dead!"

After the Golden Linglong Tower suppressed the monster, it did not kill it immediately.

Rather, we must first save the monster.

If the monster is still wild and untamable, then the golden and exquisite tower will completely kill the monster.

Therefore, after the yellow shirts were suppressed, they did not die immediately.

"Go and see whether it is dead or alive. If you are alive, let him out, this baby is useful!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth when she heard the words, said milky voice.

When Silvermoon Wolf King heard it, he didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly thought to check its golden exquisite tower!

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