Divine Child System

Chapter 2534: Heavenly Jade Emperor

A long time ago, the Taobao Taoist had stopped himself from the Master Tongtian.

After that, Lao Tzu extended a helping hand and pointed the Taobao Taoist.

Let him incarnate as Sakyamuni and become the Buddha of Buddhism.

For this, Shakyamuni has always been very grateful.

However, the good times did not last long.

Laozi quickly revealed his true purpose.

He intended to pass Sakyamuni, and Chaos was also called the Buddhism of Western religion.

Sakyamuni, who has developed a sense of belonging in the West, naturally would not agree.

The two fell out!

Under the decree of Daozu Hongjun, although Lao Tzu was a saint, he could not make a move, so Sakyamuni could not be helped.

Therefore, after the fallout, Lao Tzu can only deal with the white-eyed wolf Shakyamuni by supporting other forces.

With each other's open and secret fights, it became more and more intensified.

Sakyamuni was completely exhausted of Lao Tzu's initial goodwill.

Now, he has only deep hatred for Lao Tzu.

One of them stems from Laozi's intention to disrupt Western religion.

The other one was derived from the fact that I helped Yuanshi Tianzun to deal with the master of Tongtian and Jiejiao.

So that when Wanxian came to the dynasty, the mammoth cut-off teaching was now almost in a state of complete ruin.

This is especially true for Shakyamuni.

So, when the two hatreds add up, how can Sakyamuni treat Lao Tzu?

"Don't think you can deal with me by supporting the Monster Race Alliance!"

"It's too early to threaten Sakyamuni with the small characters of the Monster Race Alliance!"

A sneer on Sakyamuni's face.

Obviously, he thinks that Lao Tzu has taken a step back.

Among the Monster Race Alliance, the strongest is only a handful of the Seven Great Sages.

The rest is nothing more than a bunch of stinky eggplants and rotten winter melons.

With such a mob, want to threaten Buddhism?

It's a dream!

In the eyes of Shakyamuni, instead of supporting the demon clan, I might as well select a few reliable candidates from the heavenly immortals!

Perhaps, under slow management, they can still take advantage of the Jade Emperor.

At that time, with the background of heaven, there may be a glimmer of hope that can compete with Buddhism.

"Finally, let alone the matter of the Monster Race Alliance for the time being, it's important to search for the fear of retaining grandchildren!"

"If you don't get rid of this thief, it's hard to get rid of my hatred!"

Soon, Sakyamuni left the Demon Race Alliance behind, and continued to search for Maitreya Buddha, fearing his grandchildren!

It is a pity that although he claims to be boundless, he is the first person under the saint.

But the fear of staying grandson is also a quasi-sage-level power. In the case of deliberately concealing his whereabouts, even if Sakyamuni wants to find the fear of staying grandson, it may not be possible for a while.


Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The hall was empty, with only Jade Emperor sitting on the dragon chair, his face uncertain.

The immortals had already retired, but the Jade Emperor did not leave.

"Old gentleman, old gentleman, your hand stretched out long enough, you actually tried to integrate the power of the monster race!"

A sneer flashed across Jade Emperor's face.

Like Shakyamuni, he also believes that the monster clan alliance cannot become a climate.

However, compared to Sakyamuni's ignorance, the Jade Emperor still pays attention to the Monster Race Alliance.

Although these guys can't make the climate, they are qualified to be spoilers.

Once the situation in the heavens is disturbed by them, it is really a headache.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor did not dare to neglect this.

"The old gentleman has taken action, then should I also take action? Well, let's canonize a few demon kings. I must follow the saints' footsteps, hahaha!"

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