Divine Child System

Chapter 2544: Uproar

"Why are you still stunned, haven't you declared this baby victory?"

Ye Meng ignored the horrified monsters present, he turned his head to look at Mr. Kui Muxing, and said milky voice.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Kui Muxing immediately struck a spirit.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

He replied only consensually.

Since Ye Meng's strength is so powerful.

Then, it is understandable that the things that the old man explained were not completed.

Even if Lao Jun is a saint, he can't be blamed.

"Mr. Ben Xing announced that the Wuhui alliance is over and the winner is the Yemon King from Dongsheng Shenzhou!"

As soon as these words came out, all the demons in the audience fell silent.

Among them, there are supporters of the Lion King.

There are Sun Monkey’s fans, Peng Demon’s younger brother, and Jiao Demon’s lackey...

There are also all kinds of grassroots that have no position!

However, even if it is this kind of grass, I never thought that the position of the leader will eventually fall into the hands of the little-known Yemon King!

However, when everyone thought of the Ye Yao King's terrifying strength, in addition to fear, a faint look of joy appeared in their hearts.

"The Yemon King is mighty!"

Suddenly, there was a cheer from the monster group.

With the sound of this sound, the demons around, suddenly roared as if they had come to their senses.

"The Yemon King is mighty!"

"The position of the leader is the Yemon King!"

"The Yemon King is highly respected and mighty, who is the leader of him?"

"Yes, support Ye Yaowang!"

The sound resounded across the sky, and the sound shook hundreds of miles.

On the main seat, the great demon kings such as Peng Demon King, Flood Demon King, Yu Yu King, all changed their colors in amazement.

"Our demon race, after all, is the respect for strength!"

Upon seeing this, the bull devil was filled with emotion.

He was originally worried that Ye Meng's poor reputation might not be able to overwhelm many demon kings.

But now it seems that this is pure worry for him.

With Ye Guai's two battles and his terrifying strength, everyone in the demons was admired by him!

There is no way, when the strength reaches a certain level, you can only look up.

And Ye Meng is now at the level that the demons look up to.

"Finally, this lord has no chance with me after all!"

Demon King Peng shook his head and sighed.

When the Demon King and King Yu Yu heard the words, they nodded silently, and deeply agreed with Demon King Peng's words.

"You said, Ye Yao King, what kind of strength is it that even the old lion can't handle him?"

Suddenly, the Flood Demon King asked curiously.

Hearing what he said, King Peng Demon and King Yu Yu were both lost in thought.

After a while, the two said in unison.

"Are you afraid of the strength of a saint?"

"That's right, Ye Gongzi does have the strength of a saint!"

The Bull Demon didn't know when, so he came over.

When the Three Demon King heard this, they were all taken aback.

Although they thought so just now, it was just a matter of thinking for themselves.

"Why do you think Monkey Sun and I would both admit defeat? Didn't you know that you could not beat him!"

The Bull Demon kept deifying Ye Meng.

Hearing this, the three of Demon King Peng became more and more afraid.

If this is the case, it would not be wrong to lose to such a person in the battle for the leader!

At this point, the three of Demon King Peng felt better.

The depression caused by losing the position of the leader was almost wiped out.

"In that case, our monster race also has top combat power?"

Soon, the Flood Demon King began to speak with a little happiness.

The biggest pain point of the Yaozu is the lack of real top combat power.

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