Divine Child System

Chapter 2551: The reaction of the forces

"There is definitely a cause and effect between the Ye Yao King and Pindao, otherwise Pindao would never be so uneasy!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun thought secretly in his heart.

Every sense of the saint is not a simple matter.

Like now, it is not only Yuanshi Tianzun who has this feeling, but also Taishang Laojun and Zhunti Sage, all without exception!

This shows that they will either be involved with the Ye Yao King in the future!

Either that, a long time ago, they had suffered the loss of Ye Yao King!

But Yuanshi Tianzun thought for a long time, but never thought that such a thing would happen.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun is more inclined, he will have entanglements with Ye Yaowang in the future.

Moreover, it is likely that he will suffer a big loss!

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun took a deep breath.

"According to my order, starting from today, the Yuxu Palace will be closed, and any monks from the Yuxu Palace who are descendants of my Yuxu Palace must not leave without authorization!"

The decree of Yuanshi Tianzun spread all over Yuxu Palace in an instant.

Only Guangchengzi, Yuding, Taiyi, etc. were left in the interpretation, and they were all stunned.

Since the end of the Conferred God War, Chanjiao suffered a big dark loss, and their Yuxu Palace had been low-key for a long time.

Basically, under the gate of Yuxu Palace, it was no longer as arrogant as before.

Originally, Guang Chengzi and others thought that when another great era came, their teacher would let them explain and teach again.

But who thought, what was waiting was the decree to close the Yuxu Palace.

"Brother, what do you mean Master?"

"Yeah, could it be that I explain and teach, so I can only shrink into the sky like this?"

"It's really irritating. Nowadays, Buddhism is in great power. The world only knows that there is a Buddha, but it doesn't know that there is a way. In the long run, where is the inheritance of my Daoism?

"Hey, there's no way. Why did we explain so many white-eyed wolves back then? Master is afraid that I will be hurt!"

Everyone talked in a low voice with a word of you and a word of me.

"Master has his own principles, and we speculate behind ourselves, but it's not a gift to be a disciple!"

As the brother of everyone, Guang Chengzi glanced at everyone and said lightly.

To be honest, he was actually quite disappointed.

However, now in Yuxu Palace, he is the first to get started, and he can only control his doubts and set an example directly.

After hearing this, everyone shut up.

They also know that Guang Chengzi is under great pressure now.

After all, the people who used to be the descendants of Yuxu Palace belonged to the Antarctic Immortal Weng.

But now, the Antarctic Immortal Weng was sent to Heaven by Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Therefore, the person in charge of Yuxu Palace fell on Guang Chengzi.

When the Yuxu Palace hadn't undergone such a major change, that was fine.

It's a pity that Yuxugong has long been worse than before, and the pressure on Guangchengzi's words has naturally increased.

After all, people will always be compared.

Up and down the Yuxu Palace, when depressed and puzzled, the decree of the Master Tongtian came from the distant Biyou Palace!

"Preach my decree, stop teaching, and come out again!"

As soon as the decree of the Master Tongtian came out, there were several exclamations in the deserted Biyou Palace.

This was the only remaining monks who had heard the decree of the Master Tongtian, and uttered an exclamation in a gaffe.

"What's the matter? Why did the leader order this?"

"I have no one to teach, what's the point of going out?"

"Yeah, what happened so that the leader suddenly changed his mind?"

This group of Buddhist monks talked a lot.

They are not high in seniority, and they belonged to small characters who waved the flag and shouted in the battle of the gods.

Therefore, in the Conferred God War, they were not affected.

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