Divine Child System

Chapter 2555: Haotian God

"Fine, don't think about it, I'm paying careful attention to that, I won't have any intersection with the Ye Yao King if I think about it!"

The Jade Emperor shook his head, and put the absurdity behind him.

Immediately, he slowly stood up, with an inexplicable meaning on his face.

"It's been a long time since I went to see him, it's time to visit him!"

With that, the Jade Emperor had already walked out of the High Heaven Palace slowly.

He had no choice but to travel with fanfare.

But a person quietly walked towards the inner palace.

After a while, the Jade Emperor entered the inner palace without anyone else, and then held back the immortals.


After all the fairy girls had left, the Jade Emperor suddenly gave a soft sigh.

The next moment, a cupboard in the inner palace was slowly moved away, revealing a deep and gloomy aperture!

Upon seeing this, the Jade Emperor moved his body and fell into the aperture.

The cabinet slowly closed, as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, the scene in front of the Jade Emperor is completely different!

At this moment, he appeared in a picturesque valley with beautiful mountains and rivers.

This valley does not look big.

In the four directions of southeast, northwest, and each other, a huge pillar was erected.

The pillars thrust into the sky, looking majestic!

"Your Majesty, long time no see!"

The Jade Emperor's voice sounded, with a smile on his face.

In front of him, there was also a man wearing a dragon robe and a crown on his head!

This man looks graceful and luxurious, with extraordinary bearing.

He frowned slightly when he saw Jade Emperor.

"Why are you here? Are you laughing at me again?"

This man is also an emperor!

"Hahaha, your Majesty, you laughed, how dare I laugh at you!"

The smile on Jade Emperor's face became more and more brilliant.

However, it seemed unspeakable weird.

"Zhang Bufan, I have given you everything you want, don't bother me if it's okay!"

The graceful man frowned and gave a light squeeze.

"How can you do it, you, as the former emperor of heaven, although Zhang Bufan ascended to the throne as the Jade Emperor, but I have never been recognized by Dao Ancestor, I can't help but panic!"

The Jade Emperor, Zhang Bufan, said with a smile.

And the man in front of him turned out to be the previous emperor.

Speaking of the Emperor of Heaven, there were only two of them in the heavens.

The first one to be called the Emperor of Heaven was Emperor Jun of the Monster Race.

However, it belongs to the era of great famine!

After that, it was the man in front of him, he was the boy under Hongjun's family.

He was later arranged by Hongjun and became the Emperor of Heaven!

This person, known as the Haotian God, the God in folklore, generally refers to him.

As for the current Jade Emperor, his position is not righteous, and he has not been recognized by Heaven!

Although, his throne was given to him by Haotian God, and Hongjun did not object.

Over the years, the Jade Emperor has become accustomed.

However, right now, a Yemon King was inexplicably popped out, making the Jade Emperor suddenly feel a little uneasy for some reason!

Therefore, he came to Haotian God, where he now lives.

Of course, speaking of living is actually similar to imprisonment.

However, this is not the Jade Emperor imprisoning Haotian God.

He doesn't have the ability to imprison Haotian God.

Rather, the Haotian God begged the Jade Emperor to imprison him.

As for the reason, it's because God Haotian has cultivated a supreme supernatural power. It is said that after the meeting, he can immediately prove and become holy!

For this supreme supernatural power, Haotian God is convinced!

Therefore, after obtaining Hongjun's consent, he simply didn't even want the throne, so he specialized in cultivating supernatural powers!

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