Divine Child System

Chapter 2563: The biggest mystery of the world in the book

After a while, Kong Xuanyou woke up quietly.

He stared at Ye Meng blankly, his eyes changed from confusion, to doubt, to the final clarity.

"Kong Xuan has seen Dao Zu!"

As he said, he was already struggling and fell to his knees, his expression extremely respectful.

As soon as the word Daozu came out, Niu Devil and the others were all startled.

"Our leader, is Dao Ancestor?"

The Bull Demon King and others undoubtedly wanted to be bad.

This Dao ancestor is not the other Dao ancestor!


Even Ye Meng was surprised.

He hasn't heard the name Daozu for a long time!

This originally claimed to be a joke, but was later taken for granted by all his subordinates in the copy of Journey to the West!

Among them, there is Kong Xuan!

It's just that, logically, Kong Xuan in the copy of Journey to the West is not the same talent as Kong Xuan here?

"Taozu, Kong Xuan already understands!"

"Oh? Tell me!"

"Our monks have countless incarnations scattered all over the world. One of the incarnations once met you..."

Kong Manifesto spoke concisely, but Ye Meng understood it before he finished it!

No matter what the copy of Journey to the West, or the book spirit universe, or other mythological characters.

All Kong Xuan are the same person.

Because he originally came from Chinese myths and legends.

So no matter which version, it is Kong Xuan!

Among them, although I don't know who created the copy of Journey to the West, Kong Xuan in it is undoubtedly one of them!

Now, this Kong Xuan of Shuling Universe, after being swept away by Ye Meng's colorful light, inexplicably awakened his memory!

In other words, he awakened the memory of Kong Xuan in the copy of Journey to the West.

The two Kong Xuan, merged into one!

The situation of other gods is similar, except that no one can awaken as quickly as Kong Xuan!

Of course, each plane, each version, settings are different.

Naturally, the development is also different.

For example, there is no Haotian God in the Journey to the West dungeon!

But here is a cultivating Haotian God!

In other versions, in some versions, only the Vast Sky God exists in the heavens, and there is no Jade Emperor.

This is naturally due to the different version settings and the different evolution and development of the book world formed.

Which version is the most correct is undoubtedly difficult to verify, even Ye Meng couldn't figure it out.

However, no matter which version of the fairy, as long as it has a relationship with Ye Meng.

The end result is the same, memory awakening!

Once the memory is awakened, these gods will automatically judge who is the most powerful son of the destiny encountered in each of their life trajectories!

Then, they will truly be reborn in the plane of the strongest Son of Destiny, and the clones of other planes will disappear!

Now, Kong Xuan's memory is awakened, but Ye Meng's identity in the copy of Journey to the West is completely broken.

Obviously, in his heart, the strongest Son of Destiny is Ye Meng.

In this way, in all the book worlds, other Kong Xuan will be erased out of thin air, disappearing without a trace!

From then on, there was only one Kong Xuan in the world, and that was Kong Xuan of the Shuling Universe!

Of course, this is not just limited to gods.

Even the fan characters derived from some online novel authors will do the same.

For example, in Ye Meng's previous life, there was an author of the silkworm potato, who created Dou Po and the character Xiao Yan.

Then, countless online novel authors started Doupo's fans and derived various versions of Xiao Yan.

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