Divine Child System

Chapter 2572: Go play around

No wonder the demon kings present are so angry!

Over the years, every time Heavenly Court sent troops to the outside world, it can be said that there are more defeats and less victory.

Far away is the original expedition to Huaguo Mountain, and the falling flowers and flowing water were beaten by Monkey King alone!

Nearby was the Southern Moxian Rebellion, and the Heavenly Court Expeditionary Army was killed and injured in countless lives, and returned in white.

Only the powerful soldiers under the command of the Northern Xuanwu Great Emperor still maintained a deterrent against Beiju Luzhou.

Several other states have no idea that there is a heaven at all!

Dongsheng Shenzhou, the rise of human monks, there are many sects, only knowing to respect the ancestors, but not to the heavens.

In Nanzhan Tribe, Buddhism and Taoism stand side by side, a mixture of fish and dragons. In addition, the people of Nanzhan Tribe are keen on prosperity and wealth.

As for Xiniu Hezhou, it is simply the headquarters of Buddhism, and the influence of Heaven is weak and pitiful.

There is only Beiju Luzhou, with Emperor Xuanwu here, which is still within the scope of the rule of the heavens.

It's just that Luzhou in Beiju is deserted and there are monsters everywhere.

Even if the Heavenly Court possesses dominance over it, it is of no use.

Faced with such a situation, Heavenly Court can be said to exist in name only.

Therefore, when the demon kings heard that the heavenly army came, they were naturally not afraid.

Among other things, in the past, Monkey King was able to fight against one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers with just one person.

Now that there are so many Demon Kings here, isn't it just like Monkey King?

The fake Monkey King is actually Yuan Tianyu, the Void Demon Ape. This secret, Yuan Tianyu has been sincere to the demon kings since Ye Meng ascended the position of the leader.

For Yuan Tianyu, the demon kings naturally did not underestimate the slightest, on the contrary, they still welcome Yuan Tianyu, the terrifying power who became enlightened in the prehistoric years!

Therefore, Yuan Tianyu alone can be worthy of Monkey King.

"Go, go out and see!"

The fiery-tempered King Yu Yu, even if he couldn't help it, suddenly stood up!

Upon seeing this, the demon kings followed out one after another.

After leaving the cave and coming to the outside of Shituoling, the demon kings easily spotted the heavenly army in mid-air.

"Li Zishuaiqi? It seems that the coach is still Li Jing!"

"Li Jing? Just an incompetent man!"

"He dare to come, grandpa, I will let him lie down and go back!"

"Everyone, why don't I wait to play with them?"

"Okay, this proposal is good!"

When the Jingpeng Demon King was troubled and proposed to play with the heavenly soldiers, the demon kings all applauded.

Immediately, the demon kings climbed up.

"No, the demon kings are here!"

The guards of the heavenly soldiers, seeing the demon queens, suddenly felt a little in their hearts.

The next moment, there was a scream in his mouth.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The voice came, and Li Jing and his son, who were discussing military affairs from the Central Military Account, stood up suddenly!

The three of them, father and son, moved out of their bodies!

At the same time, Vanguard Officer Giant Spirit God also appeared outside the camp!

"King of heaven, what does the demon kings mean?"

The giant spirit **** returned fiercely, but he was a reckless man, naturally unable to see the intentions of the demon kings.

But Li Jing's expression turned gloomy.

"A group of evil demons dare to look down on me, Li Jing!"

His voice felt a bit of gritted teeth.

At this time, the Demon Kings and the Heavenly Court Camp were only a few dozen steps away.

The demon kings stopped immediately.

"Li Tianwang, don't come here unharmed!"

It was the Bull Demon who was talking, with a trace of ridicule on his face.

When Tang Seng's master and apprentice learned the scriptures, Sun Wukong once invited Li Jing and his sons out to surrender him.

But that time, it was a scene between him and Monkey King.

But this is the case. He also fought against Li Jing and his son.

In front of him, Li Jing and his son were not his opponents at all!

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