Divine Child System

Chapter 2579: Datongguang Buddha

"Datongguang Buddha!"

Sakyamuni snorted softly.

Datongguang Buddha, who was doing his own work, immediately shook his head.


"As a child of my Buddhism, Li Tianwang is unfortunately killed in the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, but my Buddhism cannot afford to let go!"

"Since Li Tianwang is here to ask for help from my Buddhism, today, you will take the Garou Rabu and follow Li Tianwang!"

Sakyamuni said lightly.

After hearing this, Datongguang Buddha didn't dare to neglect, so he bowed.

"Li Tianwang, military sentiment is fierce. Although the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp is your teacher, but you have a heavy responsibility, you can't just ignore it!"

"So, the funeral of burning the ancient Buddha will be handled by my Buddhism, and you will follow the Datongguang Buddha to conquer Shituoling as soon as possible!"

Sakyamuni turned his head to look at Li Jing, and ordered.

Naturally, Li Jing couldn't ask for it, and he and Ran Deng had no real mentorship.

Instead of staying here and pretending to be howling, it's better to just leave.

Anyway, Buddhism has already taken action, and he is not afraid that Shituoling will be left behind!

Immediately, Li Jing nodded repeatedly.

"The disciple will follow the Buddha's teachings!"


After Sakyamuni heard it, he nodded in satisfaction.

He is a vigorous and resolute master, now that he has made up his mind, he has made a shot at Shituoling.

Naturally, we must do it simply, neatly, and destroy it!

Although Datongguang Buddha's ranking in Buddhism is not high, his strength should not be underestimated, and he has reached the quasi-sage level.

Even if he is not the opponent of Ye Yao King, but the other demon kings of Shituoling are far from the opponent of Datongguang Buddha.

In the eyes of Sakyamuni, Datongguang Buddha did not need to deal with the Ye Yao King.

As long as the Seven Great Sages and others are caught, Shituoling will be destroyed without attack.

After all, no matter how powerful the Ye Yao King is, how many waves can he get if he has no soldiers or generals?

Could it be that he can still run to Lingshan to cause chaos?

In fact, Sakyamuni didn't even think that Yemon King, alone could move the heavens, let alone Lingshan!

Back then, Sun Wukong made a riot in the Heavenly Palace, so much, but in fact, the so-called riot in the Heavenly Palace was nothing more than a drama.

On the background of Heavenly Court, with the strength of the Sun Wukong Taiyi Golden Immortal, if it were not for the cooperation of various gods, he might not be able to make a noise.

So, no matter how strong the Ye Yao King is, can it still be against the entire Spirit Mountain alone, and the entire Heavenly Court will not succeed?

I am afraid that even if Luo Hu was reborn, Kun Peng would not be able to make it back!

"Long ears fix the light, the funeral of burning the lamp of the ancient Buddha will be handled by you, for the sake of beauty!"

After Li Jing and Datongguang Buddha left, Sakyamuni gave a light command and left without looking back!

He was impatient, and pretended to cry and cry at the amphibious meeting.

Therefore, not seeing is clear.

Anyway, he has arranged everything, and no one dares to accuse him of being unkind!

After receiving the Buddha's will, he immediately began to do the funeral of the ancient Buddha.

The people present are all Buddhist figures. Naturally, there is no need for anyone else to chant sutras.

However, Long-ear Dingguang changed his mind to think that this Randeng was a Taoist figure before.

Now that he is dead, he has to remember his original identity!

Besides, the aggrievedness of Burning Lantern in Buddhism is clear to everyone, maybe he still misses Taoism in his heart!

Thinking of this, Long-Ear Dingguang waved his hand.

"Go, ask some Daomen powers to be a dojo for the ancient Buddha!"

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