Divine Child System

Chapter 2585: Kongming Iron Powder King Garuda

Heavenly Camp, the Chinese Army's account.

"Li Tianwang, Jialou Luobu, has been resting for such a while, it is almost time to come, when shall we start to advance?"

Datongguang Buddha still remembered the matter of flattening the lion tuoling in his heart, and once again mentioned the old things.

Hearing this, Li Jing looked at the sky outside through the Central Military Tent, and suddenly hesitated.

"If it's too late today, Buddha, King Garuda, how about we use soldiers tomorrow?"

Of course, Li Jing also wanted to finish things earlier and class teachers earlier.

But he was also afraid that if he was so impatient, he would fall into trouble.

After all, whether it is Datongguang Buddha or Garuda Rabu, they are all guest soldiers.

They didn't take a break for a long time, so they let the other side send troops, if it spreads to Buddhism, and thinks that Li Jing is negligent of Buddhism, wouldn't it be troublesome?

He, Li Jing, still wants to continue to hold the Buddha's thigh. Although the dog-burning thing is dead, now he is infatuated with the Datongguang Buddha, so he naturally wants to be more polite.

Hearing what Li Jing said, Datongguang Buddha didn't say anything yet.

King Garuda on the side also laughed.

"Li Tianwang, as the saying goes, soldiers are expensive and fast, and this night battle is in line with the way of the military!"

"Huh? King Jialouluo, I didn't expect you to be familiar with military books?"

When Li Jing heard the words, his face was surprised.

Although Buddhism people have high magic power, Li Jing has always been quite disdainful when it comes to tactics.

Now, he was surprised when he heard that King Garuda, who was ignorant and unskilled, had even started to talk about the way of the military!

King Jialoulu suddenly showed a complacent look on his face.

"Er Tianting, many scholars have been extradited from the lower realms over the years. Among them is Luo Guanzhong who wrote the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". This book is a sacred book!"

"I study the Three Kingdoms day and night, and I have gained a lot. Now, my Jialouluo is not inferior to Zhuge Kongming in using soldiers. Don't underestimate Li Tianwang!"

Hearing this, Li Jing looked at each other immediately.

"Luo Guanzhong, Zhuge Kongming, who are they?"

Of course he has never heard of Luo Guanzhong or Zhuge Kongming!

As a big man in heaven, a small person like this, it's strange that he can know him!

But when King Jialoulu heard this, he was surprised!

"Huh? Li Tianwang didn't know Luo Guanzhong and Zhuge Kongming?"

The look of astonishment on his face was not a fake, but a genuine surprise.

In his eyes, Luo Guanzhong is an extremely powerful character, who can actually write the book of the Three Kingdoms!

Among the Three Kingdoms, King Jialoulu admired Zhuge Kongming the most!

On Lingshan, he always compares himself with Zhuge Kongming, even he asks his tribe to not call him the king, but call him Jialouluo military master, Jialouluo prime minister!

It can be seen that King Jialouluo is a proper Kong Ming fan!

Still the kind of hardcore!

"Li Tianwang, you are a negligent talent!"

The Datongguang Buddha on the side also shook his head and sighed.

Even Buddhism knew that among the many scholars extradited from Heavenly Court, there was a great figure named Luo Guanzhong.

But Li Jing didn't know?


Li Jing was dumbfounded when he heard the words, as if he could not keep up with the times at all.

"Li Tianwang, let's go back and visit the visiting talents. In addition to Luo Guanzhong, there is also an extraordinary talent named Cao Xueqin. The stone records he wrote are extremely loved by poor monks!"

When Datongguang Buddha spoke, his face was full of red light with a look of yearning.

"Oh, yes yes yes, when Li turns around, he must do what the Buddha said!"

Li Jing became more and more embarrassed, it was because he could not understand whether it was King Garuda or Datongguang Buddha.

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