Divine Child System

Chapter 2598: Fight

"Several benefactors, put down their butcher knives and become Buddhas on the spot, why are you so obsessed?"

Datongguang Buddha was alone, standing in front of the demon kings.

He was dressed in a rags monk robe, hunting in the cold wind, looking like...shabby!

Lingshan is poor, and the poor are about to eat soil!

Of course, this poverty refers to the honest natives of Western religions like Datongguang Buddha!

But like the long-eared fixed light, burning lamp and the like, they have already eaten their mouths full of oil!

Therefore, after cultivating for millions of years, Datongguang Buddha only wears such a set of monk robes.

However, Datongguang Buddha didn't think so.

He was wearing such a ragged monk's robe, standing proudly, barely maintaining the mighty aura of a Buddha!

"Datongguang Buddha?"

Among the demon kings, the bull demon king looked up and down at Datongguang Buddha, and spit out four words coldly!

"It's a poor monk! Are you the Bull Demon King?"

Upon hearing this, Datongguang Buddha also looked at the Bull Demon King.

There is a lot of gossip in the heavens.

Among them, there are naturally many about the Bull Demon King!

Because the origin of the Bull Demon is too mysterious, there are divergent opinions about his life experience!

There is a saying that the public highly approves of it!

That is, the Bull Demon King is actually the mount of the Master Tongtian-Kui Niu!

However, after taking a glance at the Bull Demon King, Datong Guangfo knew that this is pure nonsense!

Because, the Bull Demon King does not have any breath of the Lord of Heaven, and his age is not very old!

This is not in line with the Kuiniu setting that existed in the prehistoric era!

Therefore, the Bull Demon King was not transformed by Kui Niu!

"It's a good bloodline. The poor monk does not yet have a mount. It would be a wonderful thing to subdue this bull demon king!"

Datongguang Buddha secretly calculated!

The three Buddhas of Buddhism, Guanyin, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra, all have mounts and are extremely powerful!

This has made Datongguang Buddha, a native of Western religion, envied long ago!

If he can successfully conquer the Bull Demon King, then in terms of mounts, he will not be inferior to the San Bodhisattva, or even worse!

At this point in my mind, Datongguang Buddha, who is not haunting everything, suddenly felt hot!

"It's not easy for you to get the Dao, but if you don't concentrate on practicing, it will mess up the world. What is the reason?"

Datong Guangfo looked at the Bull Demon King and shouted.

Buddhism, when this shot was taken, naturally they would find some reasonable excuses.

If this is not the case, how can it be seen that what they do is a symbol of justice?

Upon hearing this, all the demon kings sneered!

Are they doing evil? Are they messing up the world?


Regarding the harm to the world, these demon kings are far inferior to the bald donkeys in Lingshan!

Take a look at the disciples and grandchildren of these bald donkeys, how have they made a good world?

Fortunately, they still have a face to say such things!

"It's useless to say more, see the real chapter under your hand!"

The Bull Demon sneered, and he didn't bother to talk with this bald donkey!

Moreover, he has long wanted to compete with the Buddha of Buddhism!

When he was studying Buddhist scriptures in Tang Seng, he played a scene with Monkey King and was forced to convert to Buddhism.

However, just after Buddhism retreated, the Bull Demon immediately rebelled against Buddhism!

Moreover, at that time, it was acting after all, and he and Buddhism had not really fought against each other directly!

Therefore, the Bull Devil wanted to know what level his strength would be if it were placed in Buddhism!

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