Divine Child System

Chapter 2611: Don't call my baby brother

"I... I'm not Chang'e!"

Hearing this, Xi'e justified.

She never thought of herself as Chang'e, she was only temporarily in charge of Guanghan Palace on behalf of her mother!

"What? You're not Chang'e? Little brother, did you catch it wrong?"

After Shen Hongye heard this, although he was taken aback, he felt relieved.

That's right, a little girl, no matter how beautiful she is, how can she be a royal sister like Chang'e!

"What do you want to do, Sister Rabbit warns you, you are the Lord of Guanghan Palace, please be honest with Sister Rabbit!"

The jade rabbit in Xi'e's arms collapsed, uttering words and warning everyone!

"what's the situation?"

Shen Hongye was a little confused!

The master of Guanghan Palace, isn't it just Chang'e?

Why is it not Chang'e, but also the master of Guanghan Palace?

Who is the truth?

"Old Shen, you are afraid that you are mistaken. Chang'e is just a name given by the heavenly court to the master of Guanghan Palace. In fact, this is not the first generation of Chang'e!"

The Bull Demon King on the side saw this and explained it.

As the leading demon king of the demon clan, the bull demon king has a wide range of friendships, and he knows many secrets of the heavens!

"That's it!"

Hearing this, Shen Hongye suddenly realized that he was no longer wondering why Chang'e was not Yujie!

After all, this is not the first generation of Chang'e!

"It's just her, she looks pretty good, she looks dazed, she fits the personality of this baby's secretary!"

Ye Meng grinned Xiaohu's teeth, looked up and down Xi'e a few times, and nodded in satisfaction.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Xi'e was shocked when she heard this.

Only then did she realize that she had fallen into the monster den!

"Oh my God, this is the Bull Demon King, this is the Lion Camel King, this is the Flood Demon King..."

Yutu on the side exclaimed.

The rabbit fur on her body exploded!

"What do you call this young lady?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and walked to Xi'e.

I have to say that Ye Meng's appearance is really confusing!

Even if Xi'e and Yutu knew that they were in deep danger at this time, they suddenly saw a cute baby and fell instantly!

"Wow, what a cute kid, what!"

Yutu screamed in her mouth!

Even Xi'e has a lot of splendor in her beautiful eyes.

"Hello little brother!"

"Don't call my baby brother, but the chairman!"

Ye Meng heard the words and quickly corrected the ambiguity in the other party's words!

"Satisfactory? What do you mean? Are you sensible?"

When Xi'e and Yutu heard this, Qi Qi was taken aback.

Of course they don't understand these modern terms.

"Oh, I can't explain it to you, as long as you know that the chairman is bigger than your Jade Emperor!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand, and started talking nonsense.

Hearing this, Xi'e and Yutu were surprised.

Immediately, Yutu screamed suddenly.

"You...you are so bold, don't say so, if your majesty hears, he will punish you!"

Yutu's naive words caused all the demon kings around to laugh.

"Old Jade Emperor dare to punish the leader of my family, no, the chairman's sin? Is he tired of life?"

"Huh, the chairman is not even afraid of Sakyamuni, the Jade Emperor who is a ball?"

"I want you to know that the Great Tongguang Buddha sent by Buddhism just now is in the hands of the chairman, but you can't do it if you want to die!"

"The chairman has extraordinary strength, comparable to a saint, who dares not accept it?"

All the demon kings boasted about Ye Meng, and everyone's faces were triumphant as they spoke!

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