Divine Child System

Chapter 2616: Large promotional film

After a while, Su Daji, a completely new one, appeared in front of everyone.

The demon kings almost straightened their eyes.

No way, even though they are famous Demon Kings, it is the first time I have seen a beauty of such a calamity level as Su Daji!

Demon kings like Yuan Tianyu, who don't care much about female sex, are not bad!

But the Bull Demon King and his like almost made a fool of himself in public!

"Walk around and shoot a promotional video!"

Ye Meng glanced at Su Daji casually, waved away the demon kings.

Although this promo is very serious, there is nothing shameful.

But considering that Su Daji was shooting for the first time after all, if the demon kings were present, she couldn't let go, wouldn't it be a delay?

Although the demon kings were sorry, they didn't dare not listen to Ye Meng's words.

One by one out of the cave mansion.

Later, with the help of Shen Hongye, Xi'e, and Yutu, Ye Meng began to set up the cave mansion!

"Finally done!"

Looking at the renewed Dong Mansion, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

"so beautiful!"

Xi'e and Yutu's eyes glowed with splendor, and they stared at the new cave without blinking.

Right now, the Dongfu that Ye Meng arranged was so beautiful.

Among other things, at least their Guanghan Palace is far behind!

"This scene is called Sansheng III Shili Peach Blossom Forest!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng explained.

"Sansheng III? Shili Peach Blossom? So beautiful!"

Xi'e is emotional, she was intoxicated instantly!

The Yutu on the side almost showed this look.

Even Su Daji, who has been very silent, has a slight sadness on her face at this moment!

"Oh awful, this baby actually forgot the actor!"

Suddenly, Ye Meng patted his head and said annoyedly.

Just thinking of the image spokesperson, but forgot that this promotional film is not a single role, there is a male protagonist!

Although the actor has relatively few roles, it can't be done without it!

"Little brother, what are you going to shoot?"

Upon seeing this, Shen Hongye couldn't help asking.

Until now, no one knows what promotional video Ye Meng wants to make!

"This baby is going to shoot, Sansheng III, ten miles of peach blossoms and thousand years of love, I am crazy for you, I will be the demon king for you!"

"This is a large-scale promotional film that integrates ancient costumes, suspense, mythology, love, ethics, fantasy, and martial arts!"

Ye Meng said with a milky voice, with pride on her little face!

When Shen Hongye heard this, he was surprised.

"Such a mythical drama, I am afraid it hasn't happened in ancient or modern times!"

"That's natural. If this baby doesn't make it, it's okay. If you want to make it, you have to make a promotional video that shocks the world, so that the group of buns can see and know what is true strength!"

"Little brother is mighty, but who is the leading actor?"

Ye Meng frowned when she heard Shen Hongye's words.

"Why don't you play the leading actor, little brother?"

"No way, no, this baby wants to appear as the big BOSS Ye Meng Xiaoxian, the actor's status is too low, not in line with the baby's aesthetic!"

Ye Meng waved his hand and rejected Shen Hongye's proposal!

"Oh, this is difficult. In this heaven and earth, who is qualified to be the male protagonist of the little brother promo?"

Shen Hongye shook his head and said.

Xi'e on the side heard the words and replied weakly.

"Or, how about True Monarch Erlang? He is heroic and masculine, with extraordinary skill..."

Upon hearing this, Ye Meng's eyes lit up.

"good idea!"

In great joy, he jumped in front of Xi'e, and kissed Xi'e!

"Sure enough, this baby's good secretary!"

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