Divine Child System

Chapter 2626: The Jade Emperor also found out

The dissemination speed of the promotional film far exceeds everyone's imagination!

In the world where entertainment is scarce, Ye Meng's promotional film is undoubtedly an epoch-making, and the shock it caused is no less than the industrial revolution of mankind!

The Queen Mother of Yaochi has become a fan of the promotional film!

Moreover, it is not the heroine and heroine that she is obsessed with, but the role of Ye Meng Xiaoxian!

In addition to the Yaochi, in the heavenly court under the jurisdiction of the Jade Emperor, the propaganda film has also been spreading at an astonishing speed!

The propaganda film can appear in the Heavenly Court. The instigator is not someone else, it is the Li Jing father and son who were released by Ye Meng!

The three of Li Jing and his son have now become Ye Meng's lackeys, and they have spared no effort to promote the promotional film in Tianting!

As a result, the nine heavenly courts, up and down thousands of gods with names and surnames, almost all fell!

Especially, most of these gods are still dragging their children and girls!

The first to sink is naturally their wife and daughter!

Then, as soon as all kinds of pillow winds came, it would be hard for them not to sink in!

In the harem of the Jade Emperor, several imperial concubines are watching the promotional video attentively.

Every imperial concubine was moved by tears!

At this moment, the Jade Emperor swaggered in!

"My concubines, what are you looking at?"

The Jade Emperor's voice sounded, but no one responded to him.

The emperors and concubines at this time are being attracted by the wonderful plot, how can they care about the sudden appearance of the Jade Emperor?

"Huh? What's the matter now?"

When the Jade Emperor saw this, he was not irritated. Men would be somewhat tolerant when facing women, so his eyes soon fell on the big screen in the void!

In the next moment, Jade Emperor was also attracted by the plot in the play!

"Wait, isn't this Su Daji? It's so beautiful, more exciting than when I saw it with my own eyes!"

When the Jade Emperor saw Chu Qiao played by Su Daji, his heart was immediately moved.

"Could it be that Tianxi Xingjun nourished her?"

The Jade Emperor couldn't help thinking about it, and when he thought about it, he unconsciously clenched his fists, and his heart was full of jealousy.

After a while, Bai Zihua played by Yang Jian appeared!

Upon seeing this, the Jade Emperor was shocked instantly.

Of course he knows who Yang Jian is!

The former Jade Emperor is also the nephew of Haotian God!

He has met several times!

As the plot unfolds, the Jade Emperor is almost going crazy!

Su Daji, whom he coveted for a long time, is actually with Yang Jian Qingqing me and me?

"Hateful, when did Yang Jian hook up with Su Daji? Shameless, shameless!"

The Jade Emperor was burning with jealousy at this time!

However, soon, his heart became comfortable again!

"It's the Buddha. The Buddha has interfered. It's really good!"

In the picture, Tathagata appears for the first time, dismantling Chu Qiao and Bai Zihua!

But unfortunately, no matter how strong the Tathagata is, there is no way for two people who truly love each other to sever the relationship!

So, soon the plot of Bai Zihua's secret meeting with Chu Qiao appeared!

But because there are villains who are making trouble from it, the matter of their trysts is known to everyone!

Thus, another villain, the Jade Emperor, also appeared!

"Ah? This is me? When did I participate in such a thing, why don't you remember?"

When the Jade Emperor saw himself on the big screen, he was completely confused!

No way, the promo was so lifelike that the Jade Emperor thought it was a real thing, but it was secretly recorded!

Therefore, he was surprised, why didn't he remember such a thing!

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