Divine Child System

Chapter 2628: Lingshan is also in trouble

"Okay, deserve it!"

After hearing the words, the concubines secretly applauded!

No way, these women are completely addicted to the promo!

Therefore, as long as they see the unhappy characters in the play, they can't stop gloating!

Unfortunately, in the promotional film, Taibai Jinxing was hacked by Ye Meng!

This role is the loyal lackey of the Jade Emperor in the play. In order to please the Jade Emperor, he racked his brains to dismantle Bai Zihua and Chu Qiao!

Therefore, the imperial concubines in front of us naturally have no good impressions of Taibai Jinxing!

Suddenly heard Taibai Jinxing, vomiting blood and fainted, they almost jumped up happily!

"What the **** is going on, make it clear!"

The Jade Emperor did not dare to neglect.

This too platinum star can be said to be his confidant in his heart.

"His Majesty, after Xingjun returned to the mansion today, it is said that he was watching a movie with his wife, and then looking at it, he vomited blood and fainted!"

The fairy official stammered and explained.

However, he didn't know much, so the Jade Emperor was still at a loss!

At this moment, the voice of Taibaijinxing suddenly came from the big screen.

"Ignorant child, An dare to be presumptuous before your majesty..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Meng Xiaoxian on the screen waved his small hand.

"Ba La La Little Demon Fairy, change!"

The next moment, Taibai Jinxing instantly turned into a mini Teddy, barking loudly!

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing!

The faces of the imperial concubines have weird looks, they want to laugh but dare not laugh!

The immortal official stared at the big screen dumbfounded, making his whole person stupid.

As for the Jade Emperor, his face turned from blue to green, then from green to red...

In just a few breaths, his face has changed a few times, and finally he is green!

"Xiaoxian Ye Meng, I will definitely thwart you!"

The violent roar came from the mouth of the Jade Emperor!

The next moment, he rolled his eyes and fell softly!



The fat face of Sakyamuni kept shaking.

Not only that, his hands are shaking slightly at this moment!

It's shocking, it's shocking!

Since a few days ago, Datongguang Buddha and King Jialoulu were defeated and fled back to Lingshan!

On Lingshan, the trend of propaganda videos began to be popular!

At the beginning, Sakyamuni did not take it as the same thing!

But who thinks, it only took a few days!

On Lingshan, things happened about Buddha and Bhikkhunis spring!

Not only that, but in just a few days.

There are already three Buddhas who have rebelled against Lingshan!

It is said that they are going down the mountain to find true love!

As for the bhikshunis, there are even more defectors, there are simply too many!

"Bring... the promotional video for the deity!"

Shakyamuni took a deep breath and said slowly.

Although he said calmly, if you listen carefully, there is a tremor in his voice!

With such large fluctuations in Shakyamuni’s mana, one can imagine how restless he is?

"Yes, Buddha!"

Hearing this, the Buddha bowed and retired.

After a while, he reappeared, operating skillfully!

Obviously, this guy is an old driver. I'm afraid he doesn't know how many movies he has watched!


Exciting music suddenly sounded.

Soon, the cute baby LOGO appeared suddenly!

Seeing this LOGO, Sakyamuni's face changed instantly!

"The Yemon King!"

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