Divine Child System

Chapter 2631: Weaver Girl

Niu Lang raised his head and smiled honestly when he heard the words of Zhi Nu.

"Well, compare with Dong Yong, he is a scholar, with lots of intestines, unlike me, he is an honest man!"

As he said, he laughed to himself.

Hearing this, the Weaver Girl became even more angry!

"Okay, it seems that your elm head will never get rid of it!"

"If that's the case, then you and I will get together!"

As soon as these words came out, Cowboy was stunned instantly!

He is divorced naturally!

Don't think that there was no concept of divorce in ancient times!

In fact, as early as the Jin Dynasty on Earth, the word divorce had already appeared in clear text!

After that, there is no shortage of princesses and cohorts who reconciled themselves!

Therefore, divorce was nothing at all in ancient times!

As for Heavenly Court, after accepting so many talents from the lower realms, the concept of divorce has gradually become popular!

In addition, the gods and relatives are good, but after all, they have been together for thousands of years!

In fact, the two sides have long lost any passion!

Therefore, the divorce rate of Heavenly Court remains high!

Right now, the model couples Cowherd and Weaver Girl couples in the eyes of the world have caused a divorce!

The cause is Ye Meng's promotional video!

This matter is really big!

"Madam, you...you...how can you say such a thing?"

The Cowherd stammered back.

But at this time, the Weaver Girl had already felt like a stone, she snorted and walked away!

As for where to go?

Of course it is the lower bound!

Apart from Sansheng III Shili Peach Blossom Forest, where else is it worth her visit?

"The lady... the lady is gone!"

Cowherd dumbly watched the Weaver Girl disappear, and he didn't know to chase it!

He froze for a long time, then suddenly scratched his head.

"Let's finish the cattle first!"

With that, he walked to the bullpen dumbly, picked up the fairy cow, and walked out slowly.


"Is this the Sansheng III Shili Peach Blossom Forest? It's so beautiful!"

The Weaver Girl rushed past the Nantian Gate and came straight to the lower realm. After a while, she appeared above Shituoling!

Looking down, the area to the left of Shituoling is full of peach trees!

According to the truth, it was almost Qixi Festival at this time, and the peach blossom season was about to pass, but Ye Meng didn't know what method he used to make the peach blossom forest full of peach blossoms, so brilliant!

Therefore, when the Weaver Girl saw it, she was immediately attracted by this beautiful and romantic scene!

To tell the truth, Ye Meng made this set.

For female fairies who have not been deeply involved in the world, as well as female fairies like Weaver Girl, who have been married but yearn for romance, the attraction is the deadliest!

Therefore, the Weaver Girl, who is already petty bourgeoisie, can't be blamed for not sinking!

"I must find the love testimony between Bai Zihua and Chu Qiao!"

In midair, the Weaver Girl clenched her hand tightly and vowed secretly.

After hesitating for a moment, she finally descended slowly!

"Welcome to the Heavenly Demon Room!"

When the Weaver Girl fell on the ground, a pleasant female voice suddenly came!

In the next moment, the vixen, who looks pure on both ends, has a fiery figure, and looks extremely charming, bows to the Weaver Girl!

Weaver Girl was initially taken aback, but after seeing it was a vixen, she was relieved!

Her mana is not strong, some more powerful monsters may not be able to fight!

But, vixen, she is not afraid!

"You are..."

Weaver looked at two foxes in confusion, and asked.

Originally, she didn't have any good feelings about vixen or something!

It's a pity that she succeeded in being a fan of Su Daji, so she doesn't hate the vixen anymore!

"Hello, this is the demon room in the sky, we are the welcome waiter!"

"This beauty, if you want to play among the demon in the sky, you can play as much as you want with a small fee!"

The two foxes heard the words and explained.

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