Divine Child System

Chapter 2680: He will pretend

In fact, according to the relationship between relatives, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and even the Guanyin just now, that is, Cihangdao people!

They are just like being afraid to stay with grandchildren.

However, this fellow who is afraid of leaving his grandson, after worshiping into Buddhism, he ingratiates himself with the second sage of the West!

He gradually began to alienate himself from his former fellows!

And, sometimes you will show your superiority in front of the same door!

Therefore, Cihang, Manjusri, and Fuxian are extremely annoying for fear of remaining grandchildren!

Otherwise, they will not become the confidant of Duobao Saint!

However, now the fear of keeping grandchildren has taken the position and has become the master of Buddhism!

This made Manjusri and Fuxian hesitate.

After all, standing in line this time means their position in Buddhism in the future!

Once you stand in the wrong team, let alone sanctification, it's hard to say whether you can get along!

Manjusri looked at the indifferent sage Duobao, then glanced at his face with a sneer, a proud fear of leaving his grandson!

He sighed silently, stood up slowly, and walked behind Saint Duobao!

When Puxian saw this, he no longer hesitated and stepped out!

He has the closest relationship with Manjusri, so seeing that Manjusri has chosen this way, he will naturally not make other choices.

Compared with the Three Bodhisattvas, and the villain's long-eared Dingguangxian, other Buddhas are more hesitant!

"Tsk tut, Dubao, you have been in Buddhism for many years, so you feel so sad?"

Saint Duobao didn't speak, but he was afraid of leaving his grandchildren but couldn't help but sneer!

He doesn't have a city like Dubao back then, and almost all his emotions and anger are on his face!

Therefore, this time, he also unscrupulously clarified the relationship between him and the Saint Duobao.

The old thief who was sitting on the left side of Fear Liusun also smiled sullenly.

"This person Duobao has always had a mere appearance, but nothing in fact. This deity has long been clear about this!"

The words of Burning Lamp Old Thief are very sinister!

He was mocking Dubao directly as an embroidered pillow and a waste!

Hearing this, the surrounding Buddhas were all in an uproar.

Although, the Buddhas also know that among the three Buddhas, there is a lot of filth on weekdays!

But it's the first time that it's openly pointed out like this!

Of course, if the previous wars are not counted, it is more misunderstanding!

Sage Duobao smiled faintly upon hearing this, and did not refute!

His demeanor fell in the eyes of others, but he looked like a hero, helpless!

"Sakyamuni Buddha, I'm sorry, the poor monk is a person of Lingshan!"

"Sorry, the poor monk only likes to study the great road. As for who is the master of the mountain, it is the same for the poor monk!"

"The two leaders have already issued the decree of the saints. In the eyes of the poor monks, the lord of Lingshan is only Maitreya Buddha!"

"The poor monk believes that only Maitreya Buddha can lead us to the top of Buddhism!"

Wang Guangfo and other Buddhas put their hands together and said slowly.

Seeing that the Buddhas expressed their attitudes like this, they were afraid of leaving their grandchildren and the old thief, and they became more and more proud!

They looked at the eyes of the Saint Duobao, full of teasing!

It's as if you are saying that you have been the master of Buddhism for so many years. Look, where is your confidant now?

The faces of Manjusri and others behind Saint Duobao all changed.

They did not expect that the Buddhas would change their faces so quickly!

But at this moment, a Buddha stood up silently and walked behind the saint Dubbo!

The Buddhas looked upon it, but it was the Datongguang Buddha!

Sage Duobao nodded slightly when he saw this.

Immediately, he turned his head and swept around.

"No one else?"

The voice fell, and the audience was silent!

Saint Duobao smiled, and waited for a while, but no one stood up!

"Since no one..."

A calm voice came from his mouth!

The next moment, a terrible breath burst out instantly!

The breath spread, the audience was shocked!

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