Divine Child System

Chapter 2708: Zhen Yuanzi


I am extremely satisfied with the reference and access!

It is indeed quite sincere to fear that the grandchildren will be regarded as brothers after they are sanctified!

"Well, hurry up and swallow Hongmeng Purple Qi and try to prove the truth as soon as possible!"

Attracting the saint waved his hand, pushing Hongmeng Ziqi to the face of Filiusun!

Fearing to leave his grandson to see it, he didn't dare to neglect, he took a big mouth and swallowed the grandeur and purple energy!

After a while, I was afraid of leaving the grandson to swallow up the grandiose purple energy!

However, he was not as good as Duobao and Yaochi, and he immediately became a holy!

After all, this is the original version of Hongmeng Ziqi. Although it is awesome, it is still slightly inferior to Ye Meng's copy of Hongmeng Ziqi!

You know, Ye Meng's copycat version of Hongmeng Ziqi, even the worst category, can be comparable to the original!

The slightly more refined ones are at least ten times as powerful as the original version!

And the Dabao saint at the beginning has obtained this tenfold effect of the grand purple qi, and then he became holy!

As for the queen mother, she has obtained the cosmopolitan purple energy that can be called the best quality, with a hundredfold effect!

Otherwise, although the Queen Mother has a profound background, she is far behind Duo Baolai!

How could she be sanctified right away?

It is precisely because of this that the Changer Dingguang Immortal, Jade Emperor, and Ci Hang Taoist, who have a slightly poorer background, did not enter the Holy Land after obtaining the tenfold effect of the Hongmeng Purple Qi!

They still need time to settle!

However, with the Magnificent Purple Qi bestowed by Ye Meng, it is almost safe for them to become holy in the future!

Zhun mentioned and received, and when I saw that there was no reaction on Filiusun, I was not surprised!

Hongmeng Ziqi is actually just to make people, unlimitedly increase the possibility of sanctification!

Rather than saying that you will be 100% holy if you have obtained the grandiose purple qi!

Otherwise, the Hongyun ancestor, who had a grand and purple qi in the past, would not have been sanctified until he fell!

Of course, this refers to the original Hongmeng Ziqi!

As for the copycat version of Ye Meng, that is another matter!


When Western religion was deployed, human education and interpretation were not idle!

"Zhen Yuanzi, you are also a great power, and you are a figure of the same era as us!"

"You have not been sanctified for a long time, it can be said that you lack such a chance!"

"Now, this holy wish has given you this opportunity, hope you will disappoint this holy!"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Zhen Yuanzi who had just been in the door, and said slowly!

Originally, there was a lack of deep-rooted people in the school, but when Zhen Yuanzi came, it was different!

After all, like the Guangchengzi and others under the school, although they are all from extraordinary backgrounds, they are a little worse!

Even if some time ago, those hidden world powers who came to take refuge were far from breaking through the realm of saints!

Even if they get the grandiose purple qi, there is no way to break through to the realm of saints for a while!

However, Zhen Yuanzi is different!

If it weren't for this guy's shallow blessing, he never had the chance to be sanctified, based on his background, he should have been sanctified long ago!

"Thank you, Master Master!"

Zhen Yuanzi was trembling with excitement!

Sanctification is his dream dream!

But this dream, he never got it!

Because the Hongmeng Ziqi had already been divided up at that time!

But now, such an opportunity is in front of him!

Will he hesitate?

Of course not!

Therefore, Zhen Yuanzi Dang even expressed allegiance to Yuanshi Tianzun!

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's attitude, Yuanshi Tianzun nodded with satisfaction.

The next moment, he waved his big hand and pushed Hongmeng Ziqi to Zhen Yuanzi!

"Accept it!"

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