Divine Child System

Chapter 2738: You owe

The old man in Mai Xing Chen, and the old Xing Xian beside him were surprised!

"How do you know my names?"

"Hahaha, are you really called Ding Chunqiu and Ding Xiadong?"

Ye Meng laughed immediately after hearing it!

He was just ridiculing casually, but who would have been fooled by him!

"Old man Ding Chunqiu, this is my brother Ding Xiadong!"

It was the man next to the old man in Mai who was talking, and he was the old fairy Chunqiu of the stars!

And the old man in Mai is naturally the old Xiadong Xiadong!

Regardless of these two names, there seems to be a suspicion of copycats!

But they are the existence above the real heavenly saints!

"Huh, you are actually better than Hongjun?"

After smiling for a while, Ye Meng paid attention to the old brothers of the stars, and his little face was suddenly a little surprised!

In the heavens, Hong Jun is the strongest person in principle!

But what the **** are these two old things in front of me?

Can he surpass Hongjun?

Ye Meng was very surprised by this!

"It's weird, in the myth plane, there will be more powerful characters than Hongjun?"

Ye Meng is curious about this!

It wasn't that Ye Meng was jealous of these two, but he was really strange.

Because, as far as myths are concerned, no matter which plane you are in, the heavenly saint Hongjun must be the strongest person!

But what happened to the nameless fairy island?

There were three powerhouses who were not inferior to Hongjun!

Moreover, the aura on them looked more terrifying than Hongjun!

"Those who are not fate, welcome your Excellency to Taoyuan Immortal Mansion!"

Ding Chunqiu looked at Ye Meng and said slowly!

This nameless fairy island, in their mouths, is called Taoyuan Xianfu.

Moreover, this Ding Chunqiu broke Yemeng's identity in one mouthful--a person outside his fate!

Ye Meng frowned slightly when he heard this!

He disliked the old man's attitude very much.

It's as if everything is under his control!

"Little friend, why don't you speak?"

Ding Chunqiu's tone was still very calm.

"Old Monster Ding, you owe a beating!"

Ye Meng glanced at Ding Chunqiu and grinded her little tiger's teeth.

Seeing this, Duobao behind Ye Meng's heart suddenly burst!

Although he didn't follow Ye Meng for a long time, he knew that once Ye Meng showed such an expression!

It means that he is going crazy!

"Poor old man, let you pretend to be..."

In Dubao's heart, some gloat.

How about the strength of Daozu?

Dao Ancestor now, isn't he obediently called Ye Dong Brother?

Sure enough, Dubao's thoughts have just arisen!

There was a bang in his ear!

The next moment, Na Ding Chunqiu fell to the sky!

"Let you pretend!"

Ye Meng retracted his fist and let out a gentle breath!

Ding Xiadong on the side was already dumbfounded.

How can this kid do it, and it doesn't even have a sign?

But shortly afterwards, Ding Xiadong suddenly became amazed.

"No, this little guy can actually knock down my brother with a punch, hiss... terrible, he is indeed an outsider!"

Ding Chunqiu got up with a grin, looking very embarrassed.

He cowered and glanced at Ye Meng, but he didn't dare to look like he did just now. He looked calm and he was in control!

No way, the kid opposite is an extraordinaire, he can't afford it!

Besides, he still has a place to beg someone out of his life, dare to offend him?

"Now, can you speak well?"

Ye Meng glanced at Ding Chunqiu, and said milky voice.

Hearing this, Ding Chunqiu fell silent.

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