Divine Child System

Chapter 2757: Rong's gold needle, the ultimate needle method

Although all the natives of Fairy Island are not weak!

However, due to the set suppression, they have no resistance at all when facing the powerhouse of the gods!

Even if Yu Xiulie just stepped out casually, he had already caused a shocking momentum!

How dare these indigenous people stay where they are?

Ye Meng didn't care about the aboriginals running away!

This group of indigenous people has not yet fully understood Ye Meng's methods. This shows that it is normal!

Look, how calm is Dubao Fatty now?

"Mother Rong, do it!"

Ye Meng curled his mouth, said milky voice!

"Yes, Master Meng!"

Originally, Mother Rong wanted to wait a little longer, but since Master Meng has spoken, she dare not neglect!

Immediately, Mother Rong waved her wrist!

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless golden needles burst out, like a dense rain of arrows, and shot towards Yu Xiuye!

Upon seeing this, Yu Xiulie's heart condensed slightly!

However, he soon paid no attention to it!

Although these golden needles are terrifying, his body is more than ten thousand feet now!

In his eyes, the golden needle was almost as big as dust!

What harm can a pile of dust hit on the body?


A series of intensive bursts sounded!

The soles of the feet that Yu Xiuwen stepped on were suddenly filled with dense golden needles!

No way, Mother Rong also wanted to shoot Yu Xiuwen other parts!

But unfortunately, Yu Xiuwen's body is too big!

Her golden needle can only hit the opponent's foot!

Seeing this scene, Mother Rong suddenly frowned!

Things are trickier than she thought!

The original horrible golden needle, after shooting Yu Xiuwen, did not produce much effect!

"He is too big, my golden needle is not powerful enough!"

Mother Rong frowned, and said in thought!

"Hahaha, old godly woman, see what you can do!"

Yu Xiulie laughed wildly, and his heart relaxed completely!

After using the golden body, this old godly woman's golden needle really can't help him!

The natives who fled in embarrassment all wailed when they heard this!

"It's over, it's over this time. Even Grandma Rong's golden needle is not an opponent of the Heavenly Demon, so who can win the Heavenly Demon!"

"Hey, I knew that I shouldn't let the demon in..."

"What's the use of saying this now? Run for your life!"

"Grandma Rong, why are you..."

While the natives wailed, they accelerated their speed!

However, Ye Meng and Duobao Saints present were still calm!

Seeing the expressions of the two, brothers Ding Chunqiu and Guan Sidian, who were also fleeing quickly, stopped involuntarily!

"Ye Zu didn't even care?"

Brother Ding Chunqiu and Guan Sidian looked at each other and were shocked!

The soles of Yu Xiuwen's feet are about to land!

When such a huge mountain-like foot falls, isn't it going to be trampled into meat sauce?

Why didn't Ye Zu run for his life?

Could it be that he has a way to deal with this mountain range?

Just when brothers Ding Chunqiu and Guan Sidian were in shock and suspense, Mother Rong moved again!

"Rong's golden needle, the ultimate acupuncture method-golden needle, golden needle, you are already a mature golden needle, you should learn to get a needle by yourself!"

The voice like a spell came out!

In the next moment, a dense cluster of golden needles appeared on Mother Rong!

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless golden needles burst out, leaped into the air, and merged together instantly!

A golden needle with a vast and ancient aura suddenly appeared in the air!

"this is……"

Yu Xiuyeol's pupils shrank sharply!

He instinctively felt heart palpitations, and seemed to be staring at something terrible!

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