Divine Child System

Chapter 2781: Genso Universe

Ye Meng didn't wait for everyone to reply, and after playing Fa Jue, he sealed the surrounding mountains!

As the owner of the god-level system, even if this is a super-strength-level universe, but a mountain range in the restricted area, Ye Meng can still do it!

After the mountain is banned, it will disappear in the Xuanyuan Universe and appear in another dimension!

It's just that this dimensional space is connected to the Xuanyuan Universe!

Counting this up, it was equivalent to Ye Meng's opening up a small space in the Xuanyuan Universe, and it wasn't a sophisticated method!

But the methods are not sophisticated, but extremely practical!

At least, Ye Meng can know the progress of everyone in the dimension space anytime, anywhere!

"Finish, without these burdens, this baby can take a good break in the Xuanyuan universe!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and muttered with milk!

According to Ye Meng's original idea, he would bring many saints to conquer another universe!

However, now that he has encountered a Super Martial Class universe, Ye Meng naturally cannot do this anymore!

Seeing Lie Xinxi, he plans to make some famous names in the Xuanyuan Universe!

After all, this is a Super Martial Universe!

If Ye Meng can be mixed here, no matter which universe to conquer in the future, it won't be a problem!

After all, the Chaowu-level universe is already the top universe!

"However, you have to figure out where it is!"

Ye Meng raised his head and looked around!

The place where they descended was deserted, and at a glance, there were mountains everywhere!

I don’t know which planet and galaxy this is located in the Xuanyuan Universe!

"Forget it, go ahead and see!"

After a moment of hesitation, Ye Meng stepped forward!

The mountains in front of me were extremely barren, let alone human figures, and even the beasts were basically invisible!

Ye Meng has experienced so many universes and continents, and for the first time saw such a strange mountain range!

As if everything here is dead!

After traveling for about an hour, the stretch of mountains gradually became scarce!

"Hey, the Super Martial Universe is truly extraordinary. Miss Sister, they actually broke through!"

Ye Meng, who was on his way, felt the aura fluctuations in the dimension space, and suddenly revealed a hint of joy!

This is, Liu Feifei and others have broken through the realm!

However, only a few people from Liu Feifei and Liu Youyou have made breakthroughs!

As a result, their realm is low, just take a few breaths of spiritual energy, and they can gain a lot of cultivation!

Secondly, they have been transformed by Ye Meng's talents, their talents are much more than others!

It is nothing more than that Liu Feifei and others have been practicing for a short period of time, and they are not enough!

Now, they are bathed in the aura of the Super Martial Class universe that is so strong that it will be strange if they don't break through!

Of course, a breakthrough is a breakthrough, and Liu Feifei and others are no longer considered strong at this moment!

It's just barely breaking away from the level of the rookie!

After shook his head, Ye Meng ignored the changes in the dimension space!

His eyes looked into the distance!

About ten miles away, there seems to be a village!

This made Ye Meng feel refreshed!

After walking for so long, he has never seen a living person!

Now that there are villages, that would be great!

At least, let him understand this Xuanyuan universe better!

"Speed ​​up, doggie!"

Ye Meng cheered and rushed towards the village in front!

Tens of miles, with Ye Meng's footsteps, is only a moment of time!

This is still the situation of walking on foot without using the law of space!

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