Divine Child System

Chapter 2783: Kano surname girl

After chatting with the butcher for a few words, Ye Meng shook his head and left!

He didn't ask anything at all!

This butcher, who grew up so big, hadn't left Manshan Town yet!

In his eyes, he only knows Manshan Town, but not others!

Such a person naturally cannot ask anything!

"Hey, there is a young lady in front!"

After bidding farewell to the butcher, Ye Meng looked around again!

Soon, a pretty girl jumped into Ye Meng's eyes!

This young girl has a fair complexion and an extremely beautiful appearance. She looks very watery. She is incompatible with this small town of Manshan!

"Miss sister, young sister!"

Ye Meng's childish voice of milky milk came out!

The girl coming oncoming in front of her suddenly shined!

In Ye Meng's eyes, this girl is incompatible with the small town of Manshan!

However, in the eyes of the girl, how could Ye Meng, a cute baby, be able to integrate with the small town of Manshan?

"What a pretty little brother!"

The girl squinted her eyes, her face showed a hint of joy!

Cute baby, who doesn't like it?

Especially this cute baby, his mouth is so sweet!

"Brother, do you call me?"

The girl stopped in front of Ye Meng!

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words!

"Miss Sister, my baby wants to know, where is this place?"

Hearing this, the girl's eyes wiped out a faint look!

Let's just say, how can such a cute baby be from a rural town like Manshan Town?

"Brother, this is Manshan Town!"

"Where is Manshan Town?"

"Um... Manshan Town, Manshan Town belongs to Gushan City!"

"Where is the ancient mountain city?"

"Ancient...Ancient Mountain City is a small town under Tianluo County!"

After a few simple conversations, Ye Meng became more sure that this young lady is definitely not an ordinary person!

You know, he didn't just ask the butcher just now!

However, whether it is the butcher or the others, they are completely at a loss for the outside of Manshan Town!

However, the girl in front of her knew everything about the outside world!

At this point, Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth, tilted her head and showed a sweet smile!

"Miss sister, can you take in this baby?"

Upon hearing this, the girl was stunned!

Immediately, she nodded subconsciously!

Of course she is willing to adopt such a cute adorable baby!

However, the next moment the girl seemed to realize something, and suddenly shook her head!

"Brother, it's not that my sister is unwilling to take you in, but that my sister has something to do now..."

"Miss sister, this baby can go with you!"

Ye Meng, who hadn't pretended to be a cute baby for a long time, began to show his cuteness!

Upon seeing this, the girl felt overwhelmed immediately!

Suddenly in her heart, she felt that she was too cruel!

What she wants to do is not a dangerous thing, even with this child, it won't hurt!

"That's fine, sister will take you with you!"

The girl groaned slightly and responded!

I have to say that Ye Meng's methods of selling cuteness are quite good, and the girl in front of her was fooled like this!

"Miss, what's your name, my baby's name is Ye Meng!"

"Your name is Ye Meng?"

Upon hearing this, the girl suddenly showed a look of surprise on her face!

"What a coincidence, my elder sister is also named Ye and her name is Ye Shishi. She is a child of the Ye family in Tianluo County!"

Ye Meng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that a young girl who ran into him would be his family!

Although, this is Xuanyuan Universe, and he is from the Ye Family of Ten Thousand Realms!

The two Ye surnames have no relationship at all, but it is a coincidence that it is so!

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