Divine Child System

Chapter 2787: Expanding Damiao

Da Yuanliang on the side was a little reddened!

He feels a bit embarrassed for his son!

The solution proposed by the Ye family is not harsh at all!

Even, I think for Dajia!

But if you do as Da Miao said, I'm afraid the Tian Luo Ye family will become a thing of the past!

After all, Fenglanzong is the largest power in the Shenluo Empire!

Even the imperial family of the Shenluo Empire must give three points to Fenglanzong!

What's more frightening is that this will not do any good to Dajia!

The Ye family is unlucky, won't they be unlucky if they reach the family?

To put it bluntly, Dajia is also one of the parties involved!

"Miao'er, don't be too much!"

"The family doesn't allow you to be so nonsense!"

Da Yuanliang glared at his son and shouted!

He discovered that his son has become strange since his talent disappeared!

Hey, it's the youngest son, Darson, who is so cute!

"Father, you seem to be confused too!"

"Family? Does the family have anything to do with Damiao?"

Damiao sneered again and again, with a look of shame!


When Da Yuanliang heard this, he slapped the table and shouted!

This rebellious son is simply rebellious!

Da Miao ignored Da Yuanliang, turned his head and looked at Ye Shishi!

"Remember, there is only one chance!"

"In three days, within three days I want to hear that the news that you and my marriage contract remains the same will spread throughout Tianluo County!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face ruthlessly!"

Da Miao said, walking away!

There is a reason why he is so confident!

Because his talent has returned!

Moreover, according to the remnant soul in his body, he will be the son of proper luck in the future, slinging against the existence of the world!

So, what Ye Family, what Feng Lanzong, he didn't care at all!

I'm the son of luck, I'm afraid that you will get a ball from Fenglanzong!

As for Ye Shishi, Da Miao can't talk about how much he likes it!

It's nothing more than greedy her body!

When he gets tired of playing, just kick it away!

The son of dignified luck, if you don't play with a hundred and eighty women, is it still called the son of luck?

That's right, Damiao is so inflated now!

Seeing Da Miao arrogantly leave, Ye Shishi and Da Yuanliang looked at each other!

"Niece Shishi, just do what you said, this stinky kid, don't bother him!"

"I don't believe it, he dare to disobey the family's orders!"

After a long time, Da Yuanliang said with a slight embarrassment!

Ye Shishi nodded after hearing the words.

"In that case, that Shishi retires first!"

With that said, Ye Shishi has stood up!

Upon seeing this, Da Yuanliang sighed slightly.

This stinky boy is really not worried, so I will beat him up again!

"Damiao is not Xiao Yan after all. Compared to Xiao Yan, Damiao is far behind!"

Ye Meng shook his head and stood up!

"Brother, let's go!"

Ye Shishi pulled Ye Meng up, nodded towards the bright spot of Da Yuan, and then retired!

After Ye Shishi and Ye Meng left, Da Yuanliang's face suddenly became gloomy!

He is not Qiye Shishi, but his eldest son, which is really shameful!

It is quite rare for the Ye Family to do this!

This stinky boy is still not satisfied!

If you really press his words, wouldn't it have forced the Ye family to the road of nowhere?

With such anger, Da Yuan left the guest hall angrily!

"You guys, have you seen the young master?"

After leaving the guest hall, Da Yuanliang recruited a few domestic slaves and asked in a deep voice!

"Back to the master, the young master seems to have gone to the back mountain!"

Upon hearing the words, the domestic slave bowed back.

Houshan refers to the shade of Mang Mountain, just behind the Dajia Mansion!

When Da Yuanliang heard the words, he nodded and rushed towards the back mountain angrily!

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