Divine Child System

Chapter 2789: Da Miao

Da Yuanliang was still talking about it, but Da Miao's expression had gradually become gloomy!

"Xiao Miaozi, have you seen it, now your father has become an obstacle to your way to the top!"

"Anyway, the old man has already said very clearly. If you don't ask for progress, you should obediently listen to your father and go back and be a waste!"

"If you still think about becoming the master of this world one day, then be decisive and kill him!"

Du Lao's voice suddenly rang in Damiao's ears, like thunder!

Damiao was shocked when he heard this!

But his face began to become savage!


No, Damiao is never a waste!

If anyone dares to hinder me, I will kill someone!

The evil thoughts in my heart became more and more magnified, and Da Yuanliang's murmur continued!

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, Damiao yelled and slapped out a palm!

Poor Da Yuanliang, never thought that his son would do something at him?

He just stared at Damiao's palms in a daze, and hit him in the chest!


Da Yuanliang opened his mouth!

His voice, just uttered, a terrifying toxin spread in his body instantly!


Da Yuanliang's body slowly fell down!

In his eyes, there is still an unbelievable look!

Damiao will kill his father?

"Old stuff, you are in my way!"

Damiao's face is full of ferociousness!

Hearing this, Da Yuanliang twitched, his eyes gradually diminished!

I'm in your way?


It's ridiculous!


Originally, even if there was a toxin erupting in the body, with Da Yuanliang's cultivation base, he would not be killed immediately!

However, it was his son who shot at him!

I also said things like, blocking my way!

This makes Da Yuanliang still have the idea of ​​survival?

"Good job, Xiao Miaozi!"

"Man, take it as it is!"

"Now, you have killed your father, so next, slaughter you Dajia!"

"Especially your brother Darson, this person must not let him survive, otherwise your luck will be divided by him in half!"

The voice of the poisonous old man came out!

His voice seemed to be louder than before!

Unfortunately, Damiao didn't notice it at all!

At this moment, Damiao's eyes were red, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring!

"Yes, I will kill whoever gets in my way!"

"The old stubborns of the Da family, who hindered my father and sought a doctor for me, all deserve to die!"

After muttering to himself, Damiao stepped towards the Da family mansion!

From beginning to end, he didn't even look at Da Yuanliang's body!

Perhaps, he has a guilty conscience!


Dajia Mansion!

"Master... Ah..."

"Don't... don't kill me, ah..."

"Young Master is crazy..."

"Run away!"

Da Miao, who has been bewitched by the poisonous old man, is transformed into a killing machine, reaping the Da family and domestic slaves to his heart's content!

In just a moment, dozens of people in the family were slaughtered by him!

"Xiao Miaozi, you are now a child of luck!"

Du Lao's voice sounded again, and it sounded more energetic!

"Old Du, I have killed everyone in the Da family. It's a pity that I didn't see that guy Da Sen!"

Da Miao said blankly after hearing this!

"It's okay, he can't run away!"

"Prepare yourself, go to the Ye family to force a kiss, and you must seize the yin of that Ye family chick as soon as possible. This is related to when you can practice Poison Sutra!"

"By the way, the Ye family has a strong gene, and there are many beautiful women among the younger generations. You can't let these women go, understand?"

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