Divine Child System

Chapter 2793: Recognize relatives

Tens of thousands of years ago, Su Quan and her husband Ye Wenyi crossed over together!

After crossing, although the couple quickly established a relationship with the Ye family, they even established a firm foothold in the Ye family!

However, they are most worried about their three sons!

Well, Ye Xuan, Ye Meng, and the dog's son Ye Ha!

At the beginning, the minds of Ye Wenyi and his wife were all on the other side of the earth!

Unfortunately, they can't go back at all!

With the passage of time, the two gradually got used to this alien life!

Even more than ten years ago, the two gave birth to the daughter of Ye Shishi!

But in any case, two sons, a dog son, has become a regret in their hearts!

Fortunately, as traversers, Ye Wenyi and Su Quan also received the benefits of traversers!

No, it should be said that as Ye Family's gangsters, they can't escape the gangster halo!

Both of these couples have activated the system!

What Ye Wenyi activates is called the god-level dad system!

And what Su Quan activated was the god-level hot mom system!

Although these two systems are more assisted, they are enough to make them feel better in Yejiahun!

Only, no matter what they tried, or even the help system, they could not find the trace of their two sons and a dog son!

After tossing for tens of thousands of years, Ye Wenyi and his wife finally found their hearts in Ye Xuan, Ye Meng, and Ye Ha!

But now, suddenly a little kid appeared, calling himself a cute treasure!

This makes Su Quan as if he is dreaming!

"Mom, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up to cook for my baby, my baby wants to eat sweet and sour ribs!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and said milky voice!

He was not really asking Su Quan to cook, but to further confirm his identity!

Because this sentence was the mantra of Ye Meng's previous life!

"You... are you really cute?"

If Su Quan could not believe it at first, but at this moment, she gradually believed it!

In this case, Su Quan and Ye Wenyi have never told anyone!

Even if others want to impersonate, they can't do it!

"Yes, this baby has also crossed!"

"Furthermore, not only this baby, brother and Xiaoha also crossed together, but they are not with this baby!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, and said with milk!

Hearing this, Su Quan suddenly staggered!

In her heart, she couldn't help but wailing!

"What's wrong in our family? Why did all five members of the family go through?"

The natives do not understand the thing of the traverser at all!

Being able to say the word "crossing" made Su Quan even more convinced!

"you you……"

Ye Shishi on the side was confused when she heard her, she pointed at Ye Meng with a dazed expression, unable to speak for a long time!

Although he could not understand the conversation between Ye Meng and Su Quan, Ye Shishi could see that the relationship between Ye Meng and his mother was absolutely extraordinary!

"Could it be that Brother Ye Meng is really my mother's son?"

"So, I'm going to call this kid brother?"

Ye Shishi wiped out a trace of absurdity in his heart!

"Old Ye!"

While Ye Shishi was still stunned, Su Quan's Hedong Lion roared!

The rumbling roar spread from the inner hall to the backyard!

In the back garden, Ye Wenyi, who was fiddling with the flowers and plants, shuddered when he heard it!

"It seems that my tiger is calling me?"

Ye Wenyi scratched his head, put down the flowers and plants in his hand, and rushed towards the inner hall in a rush!

No way, although he is a big man, in front of outsiders, he has always been very majestic!

But the status in the family!

Hey, the last existence!

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