Divine Child System

Chapter 2802: Positive Nine Talent

"Positive Ninth-Rank, emperor talent!"

"This is a true emperor talent!"

The ancestor Ye Family stood up suddenly, his old face was full of surprise!

Nine ranks of martial arts, each talent, contains three levels!

For example, the 9th-rank talent is divided into the second 9th rank, the 9th rank, and the positive 9th rank!

Among them, the Ninth-Rank is the most powerful, and it can be said to have surpassed the Ninth-Rank talent!

Now, the result of Ye Meng's test shows that it is a ninth-grade talent. How can this make Ye family ancestors not be surprised?

You know, now in the Shenluo Empire, Gu Yue, the only emperor realm strong, has only a ninth-rank talent!

In the past few years, the super genius Damiao, who has been so popular that he has a talent, is only the ninth rank!

Even Ye Family's current strongest ancestor of the Ye Family is only the talent of the Eighth Grade!

It can be said that the ninth-rank talent, except in the ancient times, may have appeared!

But since the ancient history was broken down, there has never been a genius with the ninth-grade talent!

"What? Positive Ninth Grade!"

"Oh my God, this time our Ye Family is going to be soaring!"

"Is it the ninth-grade talent that only existed in ancient times?"

"It's terrible, you really deserve to be Grandpa!"

The Ye family children around were all shocked!

Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces!

What does it mean to be a ninth-grade genius?

As long as Ye Meng doesn't fall halfway, he will be able to prove the Emperor Realm in the future, there is no suspense!

"Awesome, my son is awesome!"

Ye Wenyi touched his chin, ecstatic in his heart!

He didn't expect Ye Meng's talent to be so high!

You know, he is bound to the system, and his talent measured at the beginning is only the eighth rank!

But this is the case, the eighth rank talent is enough to shock the entire Ye Family!

It is precisely because of this that the ancestors of the Ye family did not hesitate to make a final decision to let Ye Wenyi recognize the ancestor and return to the clan!


At this moment, the ancestor of the Ye family instantly created a barrier, covering the entire ancestral temple!

"Everyone is listening, I don't want Ye Meng's talent to be leaked out!"

The ancestor of the Ye family looked solemnly at everyone!

After hearing this, all the Ye family children were taken aback for a moment, but then they all reacted!

That's right, you can't reveal Ye Meng's true talent!

Otherwise, I am afraid that some people will be unable to sit still!

After all, this is the ninth-rank talent, surpassing the existence of the emperor level today!

Even the supreme-level Gu Yue is inferior!

If these people knew that the Ye family had a ninth-rank genius, what would they think?

Perhaps not everyone is jealous!

However, among so many emperor-level powerhouses, there will always be a few narrow-minded people!

Once they made a move, how could they be able to stop it with the Yin Emperor level ancestor Ye Family?

When that happens, not only will Ye Meng be unlucky, but even the entire Ye family will probably not be spared!

"My ancestors don't worry, who dares to say anything about today's affairs, don't blame the owner for being rude!"

Ye Zilan nodded when he heard the words and looked around at everyone!

When everyone saw this, their hearts were stunned!

"Ancestor, Patriarch, don't worry, this matter is related to my Ye Family, how can we play tricks?"

Everyone hurriedly bowed to express their views!

The ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Zilan nodded in satisfaction!

"Externally Xuancheng, Ye Meng's talent is the ninth rank!"

The ancestor of the Ye family twisted his beard for a moment and said slowly!

Hearing this, Ye Zilan and the others suddenly lit up!

This excuse is good!

It will neither weaken the Ye Family's reputation nor make people feel jealous!

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