Divine Child System

Chapter 2804: Good day is over

In the end, Ye Meng still hadn't passed Ye Wenyi and Ye Family Patriarch!

No way, Ye Wenyi, pose as a father!

No matter how bearable Ye Meng is, he still has to show some face to his father!

Therefore, he could only reluctantly agree!

After the discussion, everyone gradually dispersed!

Before leaving, the ancestors of the Ye family warned everyone again before leaving Shi Shiran!


Early the next morning, Ye Meng, who was still sleeping late, was awakened by Ye Wenyi excitedly!

"Mengbao, get up soon, it's time to practice!"

His son is extremely talented, and he is pregnant with the dad system, of course Ye Wenyi can't wait!


Ye Meng replied lazily and rolled his eyes!

He felt that his good life seemed to come to an end!

"What to shout early in the morning, let Mengbao sleep a little longer!"

At this time, Su Quan's Hedong Lion roar sounded!

Ye Meng lay down again when he heard it!

Come on, with my mother, this good day can continue!

"Wife, you don't understand, our Mengbao, but the ninth-rank talent, can't let him go lazy!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Wenyi whispered in Su Quan's ear!

"What? Ninth grade?"

Su Quan heard this and was shocked!

"Shhh, keep your voice down!"

Ye Wenyi jumped down and quickly covered Su Quan's mouth!

"The Ninth-Rank is too scary. My eldest brother has discussed with me and claimed that Mengbao is only a second-Rank talent!"

Hearing this, Su Quan suddenly felt a huge wave!

After traveling for so many years, she naturally knew what the ninth-grade talent means!

"Oh my God, my Mengbao is awesome, and it turns out to be a ninth-grade talent!"

"In this way, my hot mom system seems to be able to come in handy?"

Thinking of this, Su Quan suddenly burst into joy!

"Lao Ye, our son is so talented. It's not possible to rely on you alone. I have to teach him personally!"

When Ye Wenyi let go, Su Quan suddenly started talking impatiently!

Ye Wenyi's old face collapsed upon hearing this!

"Big brother is old-fashioned, I am afraid you are not allowed to teach Mengbao!"

"However, after Mengbao comes back tonight, it will not be too late for you to teach him!"

When Su Quan heard this, he nodded slowly!

She knew that her husband still respected the elder brother Ye Family!

That being the case, that right should give his husband a face!

"Also, you and your eldest brother will teach Mengbao during the day, and I will teach you when you come back at night!"

"Okay, that's it!"

The couple has negotiated!

Immediately, Su Quan stormed into the room!

"Mengbao, wake up, the sun is basking, still sleeping!"

The sudden roar of the Hedong Lion made Ye Meng no longer sleepy!

"It seems that good days are going to be far away from this baby after all..."

After a sneer in his heart, Ye Meng got up lazily!

There is no way, whoever tells the mother to speak, even if he is a bear child, he dare not disobey the mother!

Half an hour later, Ye Wenyi took Ye Meng to the training room in the backyard of the Ye family!

This training room is used exclusively by the ancestors of the Ye family on weekdays. No one except him is allowed to enter!

In the practice room, the ancestor of the Ye family was already waiting with expectation!

"Why aren't you here? It's really anxious old man!"

When the ancestors of the Ye family were scratching their heads in a hurry, Ye Wenyi and Ye Meng both entered the training room with Shi Shiran!

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