Divine Child System

Chapter 2817: System reward

Ye Wenyi was dumbfounded!

He thought he had a problem with his ears!

His eldest brother, the dignified ancestor of the Ye Family, was also the most talented Tianjiao of the Ye Family back then!

Even if it is placed on the entire Jiuyou Star, it is only slightly inferior to Gu Yue Zhizun!

Such a person, in the warrior realm, was beaten by a Tier 4 barren beast and fled, and escaped by pretending to be dead?


Ye Wenyi felt bad all at once!


At this time, there was another loud noise in his ear!

At the same time, Ye Meng's milky voice came over!

"Yeah, this baby has to work hard, this time he still used half of his power to solve this little barren beast!"

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Ye Meng's tone!

After Ye Wenyi heard it, he subconsciously glanced at the corpse of the wild beast!

The corpse of the Tier 4 peak barren beast, like a hill, suddenly appeared in front of you!

The fourth-order peak is equivalent to the peak level of Wujun Nine Heavens!

"Half-strength? One move?"

Ye Wenyi is in a dream!

He was stunned, then turned his head to look at the ancestor of the Ye family who had his nose and tears!

The next moment, his nose suddenly sore, two lines of clear tears slipped down!

Brother, you suffer!

Without comparison, there is no harm!

In front of Ye Meng, the ancestor of the eighth rank talent, who can be called the enchanting Ye family, was not enough!

The two elders, weeping like this, silently watched Ye Meng continue to turn over tricks and torment the wild animals in the hunting ground...


Suddenly, a loud noise came over!

The wild beasts in front of the three of them all let out a stern cry!

Immediately, all the wild beasts shivered and crawled down!

It was as if they had encountered some natural enemy!

The ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Wenyi glanced at each other, with solemn expressions on their faces!

Seeing this movement, it seems that some powerful wild beast has been born!

"Strange, how can there be such a powerful beast in the family hunting ground?"

Ye Wenyi wiped a trace of doubt in his eyes!

Although the aura of this wild beast is very powerful, the ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Wenyi are after all the hidden emperor and true king!

Therefore, they are extremely calm!

"Not a barren beast, but a spirit beast!"

The ancestors of the Ye family concentrated on feeling for a while, and said!

Spirit beasts are different from wild beasts!

Most of the wild beasts are unwise and brutal tyrannical elements, who have a strong desire to attack humans!

But the spirit beasts are different, the spirit beasts have basically opened up their spiritual wisdom!

Although, some spirit beasts are also very hostile to humans!

However, as long as humans are strong, even these hostile spirit beasts can be smoothly subdued and raised!

From this point of view, the spirit beast can be regarded as a loyal partner of mankind!

Just like the Ye family, it also raised a spirit beast, and its strength is extremely strong, second only to the ancestors of the Ye family and Ye Wenyi, reaching the level of the king of war!


The loud noise was getting closer, and the earth began to tremble!

The desolate beasts around became more and more frightened, but unfortunately the aura of this spirit beast was extremely powerful!

Make many wild beasts dare not move at all!

Ye Meng raised his head and glanced forward in surprise!

"Ah, is this the system reward my mother said?"

He still clearly remembered that two days ago, his mother said that the hot mom system would reward him with an epic spirit beast!

However, after waiting for two days, Ye Meng didn't see a trace, and he gave up in his heart!

But who thinks, at this moment, the reward of the system seems to be about to appear!

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