Divine Child System

Chapter 2828: This is the incarnation of a locust

"What? You said Mengbao ate his brother's Qianling Pavilion?"

Ye Wenyi and Su Quan looked at the domestic slave who came to report the letter in amazement!

There were incredible expressions on their faces!

"Qianling Pavilion is a Lingbao. Even an emperor-level power can't hurt it. A child in the Mengbao district can move Qianling Pavilion? Or eat it?"

"This joke is not funny at all!"

After a moment of stunned, Su Quan sneered disapprovingly!

Is there such a thing in the world?

Be aware that after the Qianling Pavilion incarnates the building, there is a small pavilion the size of it!

Who would eat something like this?

Our Mengbao is very smart, he is not a fool!

Su Quan naturally didn't believe it at all!

If Ye Meng ruined Qianling Pavilion, maybe she could still believe it!

But eat it?


Are you treating me Su Quan as a fool?

But Ye Wenyi on the side looked ugly!

He thought of Ye Meng swallowing the energy ball a few days ago!

Ye Meng can even eat things like energy balls!

Then, it seems that it is not too incredible for him to eat the Qianling Pavilion!

"My wife, don't say anything, go and have a look, it's really Mengbao's work if you don't know it!"

So far, Ye Wenyi stood up in a panic!

Qianling Pavilion is the beloved thing of eldest brother, this was lost by Ye Meng, eldest brother is going to die of heartache!

"You believe this too?"

Su Quan couldn't help being stunned when he heard this!

However, at this time, Ye Wenyi had no time to explain to her. He hurriedly pulled up Su Quan and hurried towards the atrium!


The Ye Family Atrium, except for the slaves like wood carvings!

Ye Zilan and other Ye family children are also here at this moment, but their faces are all with a look of husky!

"Ma Duck, the old man's secluded spring lake... hey, it was all drunk, even the tyrannosaurus crocodile raised in the pond by the old man was gnawed into bone scum..."

An old man from the Ye family, covering his face with his hands, couldn't bear to see it!

It seems that this old man is not the only one who has suffered such an experience!

People like Ye Zilan and others are dripping blood!

But Ye Meng is their elder, how dare they step forward to stop him?

I can only watch, the natural treasures that I have planted, or the rare and exotic treasures that I have created, disappeared into Ye Meng's mouth one by one!

This bear child, it seems that he is not taboo!

What to eat?

As large as pavilions, rockeries and waterfalls, as small as flowers, birds, fish, and insects, there is simply no rejection!

In just a short while, a small area in the courtyard of the Ye Family's atrium has become a wasteland!

It is as if Ye Meng is like a locust, and no grass grows in the land he passes!

You know, the atrium courtyard of the Ye family is not small!

The entire atrium courtyard is about a few thousand feet away!

Now, one-third of the area has been gnawed into a clearing by Ye Meng!

One can imagine what Ye Meng's behavior scared everyone in the Ye family!

"Xiao Yemeng, stop, no, stop!"

Suddenly, Ye Family Patriarch's loud shouts rang!

Soon, his figure also appeared in the atrium!

When he saw that the atrium where there were originally pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, one-third of the area had become empty! ,

The ancestor of the Ye family suddenly staggered and almost fell into a shit!

He still underestimated Ye Meng!

This kid, how can he eat, is a demon reincarnation!

God knows how his small body can digest such a huge complex?

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