Divine Child System

Chapter 2860: This baby's talent is so weak

The so-called Jiazi refers to the genius that can be born from one Jiazi!

One Jiazi is sixty years!

Don't underestimate these sixty years!

This is calculated in the origin galaxy, not Jiuyou Star!

The planet ruled by the Origin Star System is as large as a million words!

It can be said that a genius is like a cloud, placed on the Nine You Stars, the Ninth-Rank genius is naturally rare for tens of thousands of years!

However, in the origin galaxy, the geniuses of the 9th rank of spirit are emerging in endlessly!

Among the nine spirits, the lowest level is the quasi-jiazi genius!

According to the algorithm of the original galaxy, one will appear every ten or twenty years!

A genius of Jiazi is naturally born every 60 years!

Better than Jiazi genius, it is the ultimate Jiazi genius!

The ultimate Jiazi genius, appeared in nearly a hundred years!

Almost comparable to a hundred-year-old genius!

The reason is the same as the previous Jiazi, a hundred-year-old genius is naturally the kind of genius that is rare in a century!

It is equally divided into three small levels: Quasi-centenary, Centenary, and Ultimate Centenary!

And Ye Meng's talent, according to Sima Dongcheng's statement, is definitely an eternal level!

This can be regarded as the lower three of the nine spirits!

However, on the Nine You Stars, I am afraid that it is already at a level that may not be able to appear in a hundred thousand years!

"It turns out that this baby's talent is so weak!"

Ye Meng grinds his teeth when he hears the words, and feels emotional!

Genius through the ages is the lower third of the nine spirits!

Ye Meng is naturally not satisfied with this!

Even the Ninth Ling Ling hasn't reached the top!

Not to mention, there are even more powerful Profound Nine Stages above the Ninth Ling Ling!

So how could Ye Meng be satisfied?

"Eternal genius, already very powerful!"

Seeing Ye Meng's look, how could Sima Dongcheng not know what he was thinking in his heart, so he comforted him quietly!

"That, old Sima, can you make a mistake?"

Ye Meng raised his head when he heard the words, and asked Sima Dongcheng!

In the past, Ye Meng's talent has always been the top-notch existence!

Now that it was replaced by the advanced universe of Xuanyuan Universe, it suddenly became so weak!

This made Ye Meng feel a little depressed!

"Probably not wrong!"

Sima Dongcheng scratched his head and whispered!

According to the nine-color ray of light, Ye Meng's talent is at the eternal level of the Ninth-Rank Ling!

Sima Dongcheng is still very sure about this!

"It's fine, the ages will be the ages!"

Ye Meng sighed when he heard the words, waved his small hand!

Wait later, and then find the system to think of a way to see if you can improve your talent!

"Hey, this baby is so weak now, can't be as reckless as before!"

At this point, Ye Meng sighed softly!


Sima Dongcheng is out!

He followed Ye Meng and appeared in the Gods Battle Academy!

But, just when everyone cheered and prepared to meet their dean!

Sima Dongcheng made an expressionless announcement that Ye Meng would be the dean!

As soon as this news came out, the entire Gods Battle Academy was shocked!

No one can understand why Sima Dongcheng did this!

There are even some people who think that Sima Dongcheng is broken in closed mind?

Give a little kid to take charge of the huge Gods Battleground?

However, the next news made everyone breathe a sigh of relief!

However, even though Ye Meng is the dean, he does not participate in the management of the battle hall!

Sima Dongcheng is still in charge of the war courtyard!

As for Ye Meng, he only needs to concentrate on his cultivation!

This is naturally Sima Dongcheng's arrangement!

You know, Ye Meng is an eternal genius among the nine spirits!

Is the future savior of Jiuyou Xing!

His strength is naturally the higher the better!

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