Divine Child System

Chapter 2928: Shocked everyone

boom! boom! boom!

The giant flew upside down for thousands of miles in succession, passing by, the broken peaks and woods were countless!

Above the ground, a mess!

However, at this moment, no one is paying attention to these anymore!

Everyone opened their mouths stupidly, watching the giant crashing down, smashing the ground out of a huge pit!


The members of the Devil Squad, all took a breath!

They couldn't believe what they saw!

Their number two, the eight-star ancient **** giant, was blown away with a punch?

On Tianji star, all the nobles, all seem to be petrified!

There are also sarcasm smiles on their faces!

However, at this moment, this smile is already frozen!

No one would have imagined such a result!

An indigenous kid who fisted the Eight-Star Ancient God Giant with one punch?

This is impossible!

This is totally unreasonable!

This unscientific!

When did the indigenous people become so powerful?

You know, giants are eight-star ancient gods!

Although, looking at the entire origin galaxy, the ancient gods are nothing!

But at any rate, it can be called a strong one alone!

If there is a small family child of the origin galaxy, or the unknown generation, a giant is blown away with a punch!

The nobles present will not be surprised!

After all, the origin galaxy, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, hidden masters, countless!

Even if the Ye family child who had fallen to the extreme, fisted and flew the giant!

These nobles will not be too surprised!

But what do they see right now?

Is an aboriginal, but also a child!

Just like that, with a small fist, the giant flew away with one punch!

Patriarch Ye family clenched his fists, and there was a trace of red tide on his cheeks!

He was excited!

This child with the surname Ye can actually blow up the giant with one punch?

God, what kind of talent does he have to do this?

You know, Tian Ye Xing (Jiu You Xing), who has been reduced to a cage, has long since broken off the inheritance of martial arts!

Can such a terrifying super genius be in a place where resources are poor and almost barren?

Patriarch of the Ye Family, it is totally unimaginable!

Just when he was excited, a figure in the light curtain struck Ye Meng!

"It's a poisonous snake!"

"The poisonous snake is a sinister, although the realm is not as good as the giant, but in terms of the intractability index, ten giants are not his opponents!"

"Yes, when it comes to fighting for life and death, it is obvious that the poisonous snake is better!"

"Hush, stop arguing, the poisonous snake attacked the kid!"

The nobles exclaimed!

Patriarch Ye Family heard the words, his heart suddenly tightened!

"Child, don't let anything happen!"


The figure of the poisonous snake just appeared beside Ye Meng!

A short blade in his hand has been pierced out!

On the short blade, there was a dark green glow, which looked extremely strange!


There was a cruel look in the eyes of the viper!


The next moment, the short blade directly pierced Ye Meng, making a crisp sound of golden and iron clashes!


The poisonous snake was shocked!

The short blade in his hand couldn't pierce Ye Meng's defense?

"Eat this baby!"

Ye Meng grinds her little tiger's teeth and flies!


The poisonous snake's whole person, suddenly like a cannonball, shot out!

However, he did not fly horizontally, but headed toward the sky, rushing straight away!


There was a piercing sound in the void!

Within a blink of an eye, the silhouette of the poisonous snake has completely disappeared!

The dignified seven-star ancient god, known as the vicious snake, just disappeared into the air!


The next moment, a crackling sound came from the void!

Then, blood rain fell from the sky...

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